EFoL 4&3/4 - Game Thread - Day 5 (5/16) - The Blue Dragon and Scorned are victorious!

who am I getting you confused with?

I personally think Wazza was a worse choice because he outed his role. 1. it looks a little fishy to me and 2. good reason for evils to just kill him when he’s kinged.
Marl was the next choice I mentioned but I’m not entirely convinced he would’ve been a better choice than Eevee at this point. I’m ~ok with Eevee being kinged here because of how the discussion went. When I mentioned I was thinking of swapping my vote, I was in the middle of post catchup and had been considering swapping my vote to Wazza, but after reading more of the thread I decided against it for the aforementioned reasons.

Eevee’s strategy would be geared toward the endgame imo. I think he thought out his options and decided to step for a reason. He wasn’t after everyone’s votes, only specific people’s, and I think that kind of says something about his strategy. Others voted him without being prompted to, for whatever their reasons are, and unlike Jane I don’t think they were purely meme votes because meme voting someone as king would be stupid and anti-town. I can see valid cases for Eevee getting kinged as BD and I can also see ways it happens with or without RB, so I’m not going to just throw Eevee into the “must be evil stepping for king” pile because I don’t think that’s the case here. If I’m totally blatantly wrong later, you guys can call me out for it.

I’m a little confused, why do you have slots going “either way” in your inner box? It makes them sound like nullreads but they’re scummier than the outer box? or am I interpreting this wrong?

Yeah it was you!

Oh, you don’t mean for King.

I’m currently voting Marl.

I already said my earlier vote on eevee was because I want to get rid of them as soon as possible, since King is very powerful, and we don’t have any better ways of doing this.

is it really a good idea to vote someone out who literally just got kinged, before we know who they pick as allies? I’d rather wait a night and see where that goes before putting Eevee into PoE.

They are nullreads. The outer box is people I think have things that point towards them being villagers, but that I’m not willing to lock in.

If someone doesn’t show themselves to be a villager, why should they be out of the PoE?

oh ok, then I just misunderstood the point of the outer box, that’s all. I thought those were slots that looked kind of scummy but not scummy enough to be PoE and I was wondering why your scumbox was so large lol.

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in response to this, because I want to give them one more chance to show they’re a villager.

same as with my read on Geyde. I think he looks like he’s pushing an agenda (maybe a bit less so today than D1) but he has a chance to be villagery and change my mind. I’m not locking my reads on people this early, although once it comes to EoD I really do need to place my vote more confidently.

I’m also giving them that chance, it’s not like I’m going to lynch a slot I think could still go either way.

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Do you think that he backed away from scumreading you due to the fear of being tunneled?

He labeled you as possibly being confbiased rather than scum after seeing your wallpost, while it looks like you’re still scumreading him.

Do you think he is being pure, or do you think he’s just trying to get you off of his back?

Also, geyde id like your updated thoughts on some people in the game if u don’t mind

@eevee what do you plan on doing as king?

I’m not gonna say that backing off is a scummy reaction. I don’t know if it is specifically when it comes from him or not, since I don’t know his meta, but I’m not sure what to do with it. It hasn’t improved my read on his slot at all, but it hasn’t really made it worse, either. I don’t know why I’d be confbiased on him this early in the game; I don’t have a confbias on anyone so I find that a bit of a weird argument to have. I do think he’s extremely annoyed by me but I’m not willing to slap an “AtE therefore villager” read on it because I could also see a wolf being upset about being scumread by their agenda push.

I’m perfectly aware his arguments are just that my self-metaing doesn’t matter at all and it just makes me look scummy, but I don’t like the way he approached reading me in the first place and then continued on the trail that I must be scum because I self-meta’ed and gave an argument that I can’t be meta’ed off “not acting like previous town games”. Maybe I worded the entire thing poorly but I was trying to make a point that the way I acted during D1 should not just inherently make me scum. You can pick apart my words or my posts or my readlist, but just saying “Wind is acting wolfy and therefore is a wolf” isn’t going to cut it imo.

wind town moment

jokes aside, I just think this is a really really villagery response

You’re keeping true to what you find scummy about geyde and not adding on things you deem nai or unwolfy. It shows me you’re not immediately piling on random things that’ll throw incredible shade on him, but instead are sticking to your own reasoning on why you believe he’s the alignment you believe he is

Honestly I’m surprised you’re not going to SR me for not coming up with new arguments. It’s true I’m not grasping at straws in SRing Geyde, but I feel like I somehow should be doing more to read his slot, like ISOing and trying to read it with the mindset he’s a villager.

The thing is actually that he didn’t come into the thread looking like a wolf right off the bat to me. It’s very specifically his push and his reasoning that looks opportunistic imo and that’s what I want to watch the most - to see if he’s really just agenda pushing as I suspect he may.

Aside from Geyde’s slot I’m thinking I have at least one or two other SLs but I’m giving them the day to change my mind as well. I feel like I don’t have much of a read on a good number of slots so far, but I gleaned some information from the election discussions and I expect to gain enough before EoD to make more confident reads.

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Agreed, I don’t think Wind is showing detectable agenda in regards to Geyde.
I count this the 3rd time I’ve changed a rand W read to rand V.

The reason why I’m not sring you is simply because scum would be actively using everything to wolf read someone, even if it wasn’t even actually wolfy.

If you think you should be doing more, then take that advice for yourself and find more. Not having any new arguments doesnt equal scummy

idk, I’ve been SR’d before specifically for the reason that I couldn’t come up with new arguments as to why I SR’d someone.
so idk which one is really townier, I’m just stating my opinions and arguments regardless because there’s literally no way out of being SR’d based on how many arguments I come up with.