EFoL 4&3/4 - Game Thread - Day 5 (5/16) - The Blue Dragon and Scorned are victorious!

wolves stacking crown votes on Eevee would be funny tbh
let me go check the crown VC

i know minimum one idiot BD voted for him
i still think geyde is mafia with eevee, if not starting scum then converted

geyde’s progression on eevee in particular is literally nonexistent

I think it was because of meta that Amelia got TL/TRd by quite a few people. I did TL lean them because of meta for the record.
Though it’s notable that compared to D1, they aren’t as active which could be down to real life stuff happening…

also deadass i think town geyde would have voted me for the meme
geyde and i have very similar senses of humor

you can call this read bad but this is what i believe in my heart of hearts

although to be fair
whose progression on eevee is existent
time to re-read Geyde’s ISO again wahoo

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hey, I gave somewhat of a read on eevee

I think Geyde has been more annoyed than humorous this game but maybe it’s because i specifically rubbed him the wrong way.

Eh even if I think it’s a bad argument personally, I prefer to think if that argument is something that is more likely to come from a villager or a wolf. As even if in a 1000 years I wouldn’t get it, if it’s more likely to come from a villager then it is what it is. Ditto if it’s more likely to come from a wolf.

i want to gloat about how eevee is easy to read but i also dont want to look like an idiot if i’m wrong so i’m just gonna say nothing

I’m just re-reading Geyde’s progressions and I can’t shake the townread
they have fluid reads instead of the rigid reads that are often a wolftell for mid-advanced-level wolves
Their reactions feel really natural and on-point
Their interactions with Eevee are the only weak point I ever really see, and I never want to kill this slot before Eevee, regardless of how kinged Eevee is

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I’m not really sure if that means you think it’s more villagery or more wolfy. What was the point of this?


i also read the last bit of that post like 3 times and didn’t understand it

everything up until ditto i comprehended

like what does a pokemon have to do with forum mafia smh


I understood the last sentence paired with the sentence before it, but it doesn’t really show any sort of conclusion, that’s what I don’t get.

I actually think that it’s more likely to come from a villager without an agenda than a wolf pushing agenda.
So far I don’t think Marl has been pushing agenda.
First with Vulgard during D1, when they were defending them when I would expect the wolves to leave him be and be misyeeted.
Same with Geyde. I don’t think W!Marl would try to buck a someone consensus town lean/read on Geyde here.

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I probably should go to sleep soon. It shows up in my posts sooner or later.

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Ok, so you’re saying you took into consideration whether it was a villagery or wolfy mindset, and concluded it’s villagery?