EFoL 4&3/4 - Game Thread - Day 5 (5/16) - The Blue Dragon and Scorned are victorious!

Yes I was running Marl’s argument through my head considering if it’s more likely if it’s a villager or wolf making it and I think it’s rand V.

it’s rand paul

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i dont know why this is what my brain wanted to say but it is

This is nullified by the fact the they don’t have a read on them. There’s literally no reason to defend someone you don’t have a read on.

Marl keeps saying “I am doing things, you’re just not seeing it” “I’ve done more than you” “You have to look beyond the surface”, but there’s actually nothing beyond the surface. They’re complaining about Geyde’s progression on eevee but they don’t have any progression themself. If they are a somehow villager, they are playing really badly by not allowing themself to be found as such by other villagers.

I didn’t fucking vote eevee for king
that’s the difference

What’s your point? There is 0 progression in the very few reads you have. You not voting eevee has nothing to do with this.

i’m noticing you’re only remembering my posts that make you salty

I mean you voted yourself lol
ofc you didn’t vote Eevee

you’re missing my point

That’s not true, I’m just using them for my read.

I understood your point, but I guess it’s worth pointing out that neither you nor Jane voted Eevee, so I don’t really know how you’re using that in your reads.

Marl did have a town read on Vulgard. Which was before Vulgard was scum leaned/read D1.
I’ll grant that Marl wasn’t too impressive D1. Their D2 is better as their reasons for reading people are more fleshed out compared to D1.
Which seems to indicate progression in their reads which doesn’t look faked.

I don’t freeze as wolf ayayayy

Evil king used to be able to rand so electing evil king is balanced in the sense of

Y’all fuckers did this to yourself

I get your point, but they literally said they didn’t actually have a read on Vulgard, and were just defending them because they wanted to play with them.

also nerds I rescinded my nuet claim that was mostly for the lols

They literally say in the same post that they don’t actually believe it.

I go to work now

Have fun yall

I might be wrong but I think you’re stuck on a very surface-level read of Marl.
His D2 looks a lot better than his D1 imo and I think I see things happening in the background.

I don’t want to dig myself a deeper hole but jane is right
I townread vulgard now but vulgard hadn’t even posted when I said that