EFoL 4&3/4 - Game Thread - Day 5 (5/16) - The Blue Dragon and Scorned are victorious!

My vote will be on marl in spirit
I am tuning out from thread for the night

Good night!

tuning out the thread =/= going sleep


Leaving the thread = good night imo

fwiw it’s essentially me going to bed since it’s 10:38

i should probably actually hard claim huh

I don’t know if anything will save you at this point, so you may as well tbh

if that’s the only way you can find yourself not being killed do what you want, it won’t save you.

I really am an observer
i tried to follow night last night and my action failed

so i was either prince jailed or occupied

nerfed observer when everyone else is stronger is sadness

Are investigatives here told when they’re occupied?

every other role was kind of nerfed as well

they are just told their action fails

they are told when their action fails

and obs
that’s it

Investigatives do get told if their action failed. Not the reason though.

Ngl that’s still a pretty weak claim

that’s why i wanted to be king