EFoL 4&3/4 - Game Thread - Day 5 (5/16) - The Blue Dragon and Scorned are victorious!

i tried to track night


But why.


I think Gorta has been slightly villagery. Not enough for them to be out of my PoE, but definitely better than Vulgard.

Amelia hasn’t posted in forever which is very worrying.

I feel comfortable enough with Wind’s slot to put them in my Core.

Geyde is still a villager.

Souls is still pure PoE.

because of deepwolf paranoia
it’s easier for me not to get pocketed if i have mech info about someone

I am so close to unvoting you just because you have the same opinion I got called trash at the game for.

i agree with all of these takes

i’m telling you i’m town and i’ll fight until literally sundown to prove it

yep sorry I was just walking through a mild snowstorm lol, I’m back for a bit

I see your point about Geyde’s reaction there and I can agree with that. It doesn’t really look wolfy at all.

I also see that you’re pointing out the same case on CRich that I noticed. I wasn’t in JoJo FM but I specced the game, and while I didn’t think CRich resembled that game here early D1, I think later in the day and into D2 he really did start looking more wolfy if I compare it to JoJo. And that’s actually the main reason I agreed with Gorta’s scumlean on him, but I didn’t type it out.
(Going into a bit more detail from my PoV, CRich can definitely look like he’s solving as a wolf, but the way in which he does it seems kind of specific and not like town meta. I don’t know how good of a scumtell it is to compare his games, but I’m just seeing him make reads, not push too hard, but still possibly have an underlying agenda that he’s trying to flesh out here.)

overall your readlist doesn’t really stand out to me, but it’s easy as mafia to make sure your readlist doesn’t stand out because of TMI.

The one kind of weird thing I find is that a lot of your reads are pretty close to mine, and I can’t tell if that’s a good thing or not. Either way, you really messed up the Geyde redcheck claim, but you gave me information through that anyway, so it’s not like you’ve done nothing if you’re actually town. Just that I’m super disappointed in that play if you flip town.

I know this wasn’t directed at me, but I’m going to answer it as well.
I think out of those four, CRichard is most likely to flip scum and Eli is least likely. Amelia I have basically no content on so I have no idea, but I’d put Eevee as more likely to flip town than Amelia just because I’ve seen at least something from him.

I took my vote off Soul specifically because I saw about 2-3 things in their content that I’d consider to be more likely towntells than null, so I unvoted, and then moved my vote onto Marl when he BS’d the redcheck on Geyde.

tbh I don’t think any of us wanted to see the prince calling you Daddy lol

I’m still not sure why you’d want to track Night, unless you took Derps seriously when he said Night could’ve been signalling, but even though I said it was a >0% chance it’s true, I don’t think it’s something worth immediately tracking Night for because she’d have to be deepwolfing really early imo.

oh yeah ok never mind lol
I literally just said that so I can’t even fault you for it smh

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i’m going to assume this entire thread is out of likes because nobody liked my pokemon song parody

no i’m not in denial you’re in denial

You can fight for as long as you want but until I see some convincing arguments, I don’t think you’re getting off the stand.

You’re a competent wolf from what I know and I don’t want to risk one of your big brain plays at this point.

I just didn’t see it

how is what i did even remotely big brain

literally every time i’m up on the stand fighting for my life it’s because i do something stupid as town

just look at EOD2 in Sayonara zetsubou sensei

Ok so what did you see that made you think Soul was towny?
I thought their D2 entrance was quite unhelpful as it just a comment on no nightkills which is the lazy way to enter the thread. Perhaps I’m reading too much into this, yet that entrance didn’t sit right with me at all.

just waiting for eevee to come boom bye town me with his doublevote

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I did
I might still be out of likes, idk lol
last I checked it said 6 hours before I could like anything again

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Personally I think Soul should be wagoned out of the game, though I’m willing to change my mind if I’m sold on Soul being town.