EFoL 4&3/4 - Game Thread - Day 5 (5/16) - The Blue Dragon and Scorned are victorious!

this discussion feels not great
I don’t think it’s bad play to wagon Amelia here and I really hate the train of logic that says we can’t vote out someone who’s wolfier than every other player in the game because they happen to have a low postcount

I would personally rather Wazza be in allies than SDA.

And whoever else Eevee trusts unless Eevee also tr’s Min in which they should pick Min to follow with Wazza’s wishes.

Information and organisation is the most important thing.

I think it’s a bad play to go off of marl, not go on Amelia

I won’t forget it

I know Eevee can read me tho so like

Eevee Probabaly knows I’m town

Ugh this post internally hurts.

Amelia’s not wolfy by their few existing posts
You’re reading inactivity as a scumtell for them which is weh.
Amelia’s posts are all fluff for sure and not at all contributions, so I’d understand if you read them for that, but you’re literally saying the fact that Amelia doesn’t exist today in the thread means Amelia is wolf.

fair enough
but I honestly didn’t really ever have faith that Marl would be a hit :joy_cat:

Your reason is just “I can tell something that would benefit eevee lol”

if Eevee puts you specifically into Allies chat I trust that he has his reasons tbh.
Either that or you’re scummates which would be funny.

I’m pushing them on the fact that they appear to have no desire to solve socially or mechanically

they don’t appear not to have a desire to solve, either, because they haven’t said anything about it whatsoever
in contrast to Soulshade who explicitly said he was going to take his time with solving and not get rushed into making sloppy reads.

Fuck it /Vote Amelia

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I routinely forgot Amelia existed for most of this game tbh

okay, am I the only one who feels SDA is playing anti-town af.

were you not arguing about killing off people for being inactive and not giving reads earlier today

there is no reason why marl shouldn’t be. The wagon today

whoops I missed this.
I already answered this twice before in the thread, first when I was present while Soul was giving reads, and then later when you asked me why I wasn’t SRing them, and I’m getting tired of repeating myself.

They appear not to have a desire to solve because they’ve been in thread multiple times, made almost 90 posts, and had zero evidence they’ve attempted to get a read on another player