EFoL 4&3/4 - Game Thread - Day 5 (5/16) - The Blue Dragon and Scorned are victorious!

That’s also the game where I was so sure Centuries was converted.
Mind you I had TMI they were starting town.

Okay the setup was beyond swingy it was ltierally:

Overpowered 4 v Overpowered 2 (Which can increase to 5) v Underpowered 1 v Underpowered 11 (Majority) plus those 2 Neuts that can turn to the Overpowered 2 side or the Underpowered 11 side.

my deductive reasoning hinged on if Wazza was actually princess and not lying, though, which I doubted for like half the day
decided in the end that Wazza probably was princess and Eevee had to be RB, and that Eevee would only step as Noble lol
so I was wrong on Wazza and somehow used that to conclude Eevee was noble, whoops


2 Neuts could turn into a Hydra and join the 2nd Mafia along with being able to convert someone from the Town!

omg lol

If it helps you feel better, I was suffering too.
Not from COVID mind you.

I mean
setup design is a skill like anything else
practice makes better

although I also find that watching videos about video game design concepts and pointers helps?
maybe that’s just for my specific style of game design
But they’re not too different, since they’re both interactive experiences designed for the players

If you think about it

ToL is a setup

I mean
if you want something much more concrete, I could link a few MU articles about some basic balancing concepts like KP balance per side and available ML’s

Oh yeah concerning Gorta. I might be the only who actually has respect for their play.
Once I saw they scum read me because of meta my mind went.
“Did you just scum read the one person who supports you incorrectly?” Bruh.

I feel like I’m just suffering from two weeks of sleep deprivation which is bad enough without getting sick
trying to avoid getting exposed because I’m pretty sure sleep deprivation makes my immunity shit lol

oh yeah I do a lot of setup design on my own time
done some video game design stuff as well
but like, nothing I’ve ever done anything with other than as an experiment for my own purposes
I don’t think I should release my setups into the world lol

I actually think that when Gorta isn’t treeing, he has decent reads


It’s a setup with a Survivor Doctor 2-shot Vigilante

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Which makes me feel worse when I dunked on your play. :frowning:
My mind wasn’t in the best shape and I didn’t sleep too well the last few days.

oh it’s ok, I was sleep deprived and I guess you were too lol

I… kinda disagree

He usually just makes gutreads then tunnels them into oblivion

Then there was that time he dunked on a deep wolf.
Anstreim from SFoL 61.5 right?

It’s kinda easy to read gorta when he actually posts tbh

I don’t remember his reads being too terrible the last time I specced him in a game, but I think the two games I completed with him he was a wolf both times and I yeeted him lol

yeah that I could agree with