EFoL 4&3/4 - Game Thread - Day 5 (5/16) - The Blue Dragon and Scorned are victorious!

i was actually tempted to wolf wazza because lol

you should have wolfed Jane

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i think your handling of your class on D2 was a tiny bit awkward

mostly in the sense that i feel like you made it exceedingly obvious that you were a drunk who swapped geyde n1, and when you pushed windward and they outted they were redirected off of geyde n1, letting them know who they had actually checked might have been good?

although i probably only think this because they ended up shooting their greencheck and you had no real reason to think they were prince over any other invest

come to think of it this isnt really a criticism at all

but i typed it so i send it :joy_cat:



I thought I did ok this game.
Until I decided to trash Wind’s play as Prince, but meh.

It’s fine

I think I get too excited and soft really early lmao

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you thought you caught someone in a lie, and you did on marl (kinda idr what he was doing)

looked like you wanted to own wind too

dont rly blame you altho i vaguely remember thinking winds skepticism towards marl was indicating that they knew they were redirected

might be misremembering but rereading the game might make me sad

No it made sense for min to check me. I think they thought I had greenchecked Geyde when all I meant was that I knew Marl couldn’t have visited him.

Also yeah I was trying not to soft the exact reason I knew Marl was lying, but it ended up sounding like an investigative greencheck and I said I visited unsuccessfully which was just the wrong wording. I meant I targeted but did not visit.

Also I feel good about clearing Wind after scum reading her.
I feel dumb doing that :frowning: .
Same with PKR, though at least I changed my read on PKR for the same reason I scum leaned him at 1st.
