EFoL 4&3/4 - Game Thread - Day 5 (5/16) - The Blue Dragon and Scorned are victorious!

I’m just going to tell you once. stop. We are not princefishing right in the middle of the thread.

This annoyed me so bad. Let’s maybe not help scum find prince, yeah?

im not mad or anything but we seriously need to stop with these posts, shurian.^^

wee, so he’s just…null right? you can’t really use an action someone did weeks ago to determine their actual alignment now.

What are the point of these posts? E

This makes sense tbh, I like it. I don’t think acting scummy is the way to go but I do agree with soul that we should always be rethinking our town. Depending on who it is, it could be fairly easy to tell if they got converted or not.

Also, scum regardless probably shouldn’t try to convert me lol.

Just give the links…? Why make this message? You should be worrying on looking at the specific points on you and explaining why theyre wrong instead of going “well lol it’s usually my meta to be scummy” when I promise you it’s not as much as you think it is.

Your last post doesn’t seem to be unbothered. You seem frustrated that people are SRing you. Also, with the roleset fol games have, you should be at least a little worried.

These posts of you are so weird. Why state this? If you are town, just wait until you are able to post, don’t drag it on and don’t meta yourself either. (Especially considering we haven’t seen a scumgame from you)

So true soul

self awarenesnsnsnsn why is there so much of it !

Funny read, slightly agree with you. I don’t agree w his thought but his thought that we should act scummy was another thought similar to light for me. He’s talked about it before briefly I’m pretty sure and it again leads me to believe it’s genuine.

Probably should explain why besides it “happening in the past 2 games.” As vul can still rand scum. It’s not really like vul has to roll town again.

You need to actually elaborate instead of going “well but ur reads suck lol”

No they don’t? I can see his thinking behind all of them. Regardless of if they’re wrong or right theyre not that bad.

Me too :^’)

So you agree that vul has mostly been posting scummy then?

LOL this isn’t funny I felt this :’

Hi guys, I’m awake. 200+ posts read Reeee

There’s a difference between a “Lynch D1” and a “No Lynch D1”

This D1 is a No Lynch D1, consequently is useless and is just for scum to factor out who they want to kill, allow investigatives to decide their targets and better yet possibly give a support a good target on who to protect at night.

Apart from all of the mechanical bullshit that I don’t care about for once, the information you get on a D1 is often times scarce. No one is fighting for their life, everyone is just waiting for the end for the game to begin. When there’s no scare of death, no one’s going to slip, no one’s going to give any hint of TMI, none of that. On a D1 more than most likely a scum can say the same things a town can. That’s the entire premise.

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can we stop arguing pedantics and just play an fm game

i’m not saying vulgard can’t be mafia
i’m saying i dont care if he’s mafia or not, i dont want him to die tonight

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how confident are you that you can read him tomorrow

They aren’t pedantics though, are they?

It’s a clear point. Your D1 solving isn’t going to solve the game, is it? Sure, try but instead of being confident on your D1 reads, use them with your D2 reads. And stop bothering to put a target on your back.

that depends on whether i have to deal with the salt of not becoming king or the huge ego boost of becoming king

I will do the opposite of voting you for king if you don’t do the basic thing that is play the game

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Who in this game is the opposite of marl :smile_cat::smirk_cat:

I’m honestly becoming even more convinced that Marl is just neutral
He doesn’t give a single shit about the game

The talk about being king is getting outdated smh

I dropped the King Talk a while ago since if I want King I can just claim my class tomorrow and that’ll convince people more. Claiming it today won’t, though.

@min Your current thoughts on Shurian? I might have missed it but your wallpost seemed to target them slightly. (So if I some how missed the read, please tell me)

probably windward

I don’t have any significant thoughts on them actually, although I really just didn’t like the whole “oh this player might be prince” thing. Strangely enough, I think it comes more from town than scum despite that fact.

i have a plan

I can explain why. It’s mostly because scum being that carefree and princefishing like that seems so weird to me so much that I don’t think they’d do it

it’s a big plan, the greatest plan this kingdom has ever seen

you’re going to build a wall?

imagine being the player it’s directed towards.

It’s like slapping a tracker on my back and telling me to run into a pit filled with snipers.


thoughts on who