EFoL 4&3/4 - Game Thread - Day 5 (5/16) - The Blue Dragon and Scorned are victorious!


then we have anarcho monarchism
which is the best basis for a form of government

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I haven’t seen that then.

Why not have no kings

because order execute

but then I’m not a king

oh and that
we can then turn this game into an ffa

(Could you link it?)

I don’t bloody know which one it is
But try the game you found and also jojo part 7 game on mafiacolosseum

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Allies Chat is a nice ability to coordinate town at night.
I don’t know about you, though I’d say anything that helps town coordinate at night is a good thing.

Ah yes
That sounds lovely

My fun has been ruined and my disappointment is immeasurable


This is the first time I’ve played with Shurian.
No meta to help me this time, yet I think that their thread presence and posts look rather waterfally to me.

Well going with this, then this is a good look for Shurian here.
Thinking Shurian so far is rand V.

Picture not found.exe

I found it.

So my PoE is something like this:

Vulgard: They have been absent most of D1 and their lack of follow up on scum leaning Wind looks a lot like a wolf who isn’t sure if they want to bus their partner for town cred.
SirDerpsAlot: Neutral claim though they aren’t cleared by their mercenary claim.
WindwardAway: I wasn’t impressed by their “I’m scummy as town” self meta.
Sorry Windward, self meta isn’t a good defence.
eevee: 4 poster who claimed Scorned and will frame Vulgard.

Based on a quick skim I’d say the gap between their wolfplay there and their play now is still enough for a confident V-read.

I’ll decide overnight whether or not they could’ve bridged this gap in 4 months.

If Eevee wants to get out of PoE, they need to case people and make content 4Head.

Even though Wazza doesn’t like D1 much, you can still make social reads which is the name of the game in Social Deduction.
Anyway onto Wazza. He put his hand up for King, which seems a little bold to come from a wolf.
I would think that if Wazza were a wolf, that they would be less overt in declaring they want to be King.
This might be a stupid take, though I like to think it’s a good take.

Forgets Baron exists.

500 new posts pog

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