EFoL 4&3/4 - Game Thread - Day 5 (5/16) - The Blue Dragon and Scorned are victorious!

In that case, I would have 10 townreads among 16 players.

With 4-5 starting evils, that’s a very constricted “not town” list.

Noting that the list is not ordered.

I see a good chunk of the thread villa-reading Amelia and basically zero wolfreading them so they’re a bad wolf choice for this cycle probably

As previously stated, I’m not focused on finding Neuts since they’re practically indistinguishable from villagers on D1 in particular
So I think it’s probably fairly likely that one of the people in my townreads is a neut

Towny post

Geyde is obvious town to me.

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I know Geyde’s a capable wolf, but the thought shifts and what he is actually saying go above and beyond in my book. Above his wolfrange.

Valid take

11 townreads (including myself) with 16 players in the game. On day 1.

In Morphogenetic mafia I had like 3 reads I actually believed on day 1. Here I have ~8 I believe to varied extents and 2 more where I trust other people on them.

Welcome to the club lol

I managed to convince myself it’s okay because we only have two pack wolves here

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Good sign or bad sign, we’ll have to see.
I’ve done my due diligence, now I need to step away from the monitor. I spent this entire day writing paragraphs and doing midterm preparations, I need a break from reading text.

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At the very least, it means that everyone is playing well enough to make themselves villagery

Vul. I never said I was going to kill you? Why are you jumping to conclusions?


read me next


I don’t want to kill vul, I want to do something else.

in fact
one might even say you wanted to not kill Vul

can you at least tell me if you’re in the king marl camp


dont tell marl but I’m secretly not in the king marl camp because im scared of crowning a neut

Yeah I’m not hard SRing him yet. I just found his posts a little weird but he has a chance to explain himself and improve his slot as it’s only D1 now.

Because I’m on mobile and can’t be arsed to provide links lol

You’re misreading that, I’m not frustrated. It was just a remark because some people like metareading and haven’t played a game with me before.

Idk I just felt like saying stuff without doing stuff because catching up on several hundred posts from mobile is meh. Idc what you guys do with my slot tbh, I’m gonna focus on reading people now. I haven’t unpacked my laptop yet so I’m still doing this from mobile which is reeeee.

Trying out new things, idk? So I don’t just come in a few hours late with a wallpost during the meme phase and express my annoyance at it? Because I feel like I have a tendency to do that so I wanted to do something different this time.

Idk about Shurian in particular as I’ve only played with them once when they were town, but I disagree about consistency. I know a lot of people here like to metaread but a good wolf will be able to replicate their meta pretty well. If it looks too perfectly consistent with the meta, I would honestly still question it.

Tbf I’ve also never played FM when the game starts immediately after I’ve spent two days travelling and haven’t had time to sleep or unpack lol. I didn’t realize the game was going to fill up and start right away and thought it wouldn’t start until the weekend, so that’s entirely my fault for signing up, but I’m sticking around anyway. I don’t really care if I look like I’m making excuses or being too self-aware, I just think maybe I should explain myself (and also I just slept through the entire day so lol).

I feel like at least one of you who’s SRing me this early just thinks I’m an easy push, and I’m trying to figure out which one it is. Min is actually backing up their reads with evidence against me, like actually a lot considering how little content I’ve given, but I feel like Vulgard just came in, said I’m scum, and didn’t give much elaboration. (I have another couple hundred posts to read through while writing this so I might see improvement from him as I scroll through). CRich I am unsure of. I’d like to say he is trying to solve, but some of his comments are just a little vague imo. He’s still null for me. Marl also said I’m probably a wolf and didn’t elaborate, but nothing he’s said so far that I’ve seen has struck me as particularly wolfy yet. Also at null for me right now.

I said this in the JoaT game as well lol, it was my shitty defense in an attempt not to get yeeted D1 (my defense didn’t work, but SRing Marl and flipping him as mafia did). And no,I’m not trying to be locktowned for giving the readlist. I just typed it quickly from memory because I saw that someone asked me for reads after I vanished from the thread so I wanted to respond to it.

I might look like a good vig shot but I implore you guys not to vig me yet.

Wtf is this, Geyde? I have doubts about that. First off, I apparently don’t fit my stereotype according to pretty much everyone who’s given their read on me so far, so that’s an incorrect statement. Second, you should be reading people off more than just lolmeta here. Maybe I’m just saying that because I don’t know everyone’s meta, but I wouldn’t want to just go around meta-ing everyone and calling it a day.

So Min doesn’t fit their stereotype and is therefore a villager, but I don’t fit my stereotype and am therefore a wolf. Noted.

Im not making this about how you read me. I’m focusing on how you use the same blanket reasoning to form different reads, and that strikes me as odd.

Thanks for this. At least I’m not the only one who noticed.

Slight disagree. I’ve given effort before as town D1 and I’ve seen other people do the same. But yeah, a readlist that’s too quick or too complete is pretty wolfy this early on.

Again, I find this interesting because you wrote about judging people by whether they fit their stereotypes and you’re still like “just kill Wind” but Min is villager.

I find that your argument against me has flaws and it looks almost like a TMI from you that Min is villager,except for the fact that Min actually is doing a decent job analyzing my posts. But I feel like you’re taking Min as locktown and SRing me because they also SR me, and you’re trying to frame this as a Vulgard bus somehow. Altogether your progression of reads looks really weird because it isn’t progressing. You’re just pushing that I’m a wolf because it’s an easy no-brainer push,and it doesn’t look like solvy Geyde to me. You’re much less analytical than the last game I played with you (Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei on MC, before you replaced out).

I don’t like Geyde’s wishy-washy read on CRich especially after the remark about reading people off stereotypes.

CRich shouldn’t be rolefishing or outing someone’s role, and I think you know better. Doesn’t make him any scummier than Shurian fishing for Prince, and both still have a fair chance of being BD, but it’s anti-town and I’d advise both of you to stop.

Speaking of Shurian, I’m not really sure if they were fishing for Prince or if they posted that as a joke since it ended in “lynches Prince D1”. But yeah, just don’t fish for Prince because that’s not going to be good here. I assume the Prince will out once they think it’s reasonably safe to do so.

Oh yeah, I didn’t like the mass claim suggestion from Shurian, either.

That’s an interesting observation. I spectated that game, but I don’t recall seeing Marl’s readlist so I may have missed it.
I think his defense of Vulgard still seems within reason, i.e., doesn’t feel like he’s defending a scum buddy and it doesn’t feel like he’s doing it for no reason.

Btw, CRich writing this post and the previous one looks a bit towny to me.

Valid reason to probe. Keeping a TL on Jane as well as Night because of how both of them go about their analyses. Night seemed to be legitimately reading the thread when writing her post, and Jane seems to be reading appropriately in response.

If you’re talking about Vulgard, he was nearly consensus townread as mafia dayvig in Countries FM. I was D1 obvtown and he vigged me D2, and I don’t think anyone suspected him because he did it by lurking in the thread and shooting me when ClonedCheese was ever so slightly suggesting I might not be town, so he effectively threw the blame on someone else.

Bruh Geyde isn’t giving me good vibes, and it’s not just OMGUS from me. It’s just a really weird, single-minded push like he doesn’t even want to SR anyone else.

I didn’t claim self-resolving here but if you mean by post content, I guess that counts?
And no, nobody has seen scum!wind so I don’t know why Geyde is going on about stereotypes.

Do you want me to point out that I’m not stupid enough to try a textbook “don’t kill me, I’m wolf”? I do this pretty much every time I rand a town PR, very specifically, and considering this game is role madness you shouldn’t be surprised. What happened to reading people off stereotypes? I’m going to continue to bring that up because I don’t think you’re solving so much as pushing an agenda.

I’d like to point out that you shouldn’t be running off with Geyde’s theory of Vulgard and me being a wolf team because we are not. I don’t know at this point whether Vulgard is wolf, but I do think there’s a high probability that Geyde is not BD, which concerns me that I’m not seeing too many people SR him. I’m perfectly aware that self-meta is a bad defense, though, and I don’t really care. It’s the way in which you guys are coming up with reasons to scumread me that I’m forming my reads. As I said before, some of you are doing work and analyzing posts. Others seem to just be piggybacking on someone else’s reads.

Also I forgot Eevee was in this game lol. NAI so far from him.

Anyway, this readlist from CRich is a little lackluster imo, but it also doesn’t look super wolfy. I haven’t played with him before but I spectated JoJo and had correctly SR’d him there, and his posts here don’t really resemble that.

I don’t SR Wazza at all right now, but I think it’s a stupid take to say this. Wazza is being more bold than most others who have mentioned stepping for King, but Marl also said more than several times that he will step, and you’re not commenting much on that. It would be a gutsy wolf move to announce the attempt to step, but it would look even worse to step without announcing imo. Announcing a step doesn’t clear someone from being a wolf.

That’s interesting. Shurian, are you reading Vulgard and me as a pair or individually?

Was that in Countries FM or also in another game? Vulgard was more vocal there imo, but I’m still not townclearing him here.

No way am I throwing Eevee into the PoE this early.

Yeah, your box has way too many people in it lol.
Im curious,though, why did you put Soulshade and Derps in the box?

Hard disagree, he’s not progressing at all for me (unless I missed something while catching up). He’s literally stuck on me being lockscum and not really doing anything other than pushing me. You should’ve noticed this, but it seems like people aren’t noticing it because they’re also fixated on the idea I’m lockscum. It’s not healthy for the thread to lock me as scum based what I’ve posted before this because I don’t think I’ve given you any real content to work with, except for my early readlist. And by the way the thread is progressing I don’t really think Vulgard is a wolf.

I forgot to write a read on PKR after reading his catchup post but I think I’d give him a TL for it tbh. His thought process and way of analyzing seems pretty good right now.

Oh is that what the outer PoE is?

Agreed, and from what I heard in dead chat and after the game, the wolves weren’t entirely sure whether to bus Arctic or not but then decided to go for it anyway, hence the kind of weird progression of pushing, not pushing, then pushing him again.

Oh that’s right, you were in the neighborhood chat with him. I guess you have even more of a perspective on his wolf play, then.

Im fine with letting Vulgard sit at roughly null for a while longer while I catch up.I saw he was writing while I’ve been typing this so I guess I’ll come across more of his posts soon.

If I told you I thought there’s a chance your PoE is 100% incorrect, would you be upset or call it TMI? because I do think there’s a chance none of us are wolves. Oddly enough, I think there’s a higher chance there’s a wolf in Nightingale’s PoE instead (but numerically yeah there are more people lol). I feel like I’m dartboarding, though. I also think everyone who doesn’t have Geyde in their PoE is wrong and I’d like to petition to put him in the PoE.

I’m playing safe this game. It’s pretty obvious I’m not being aggressive, although now that I’m trying to push Geyde into PoE maybe that counts. But I think people are too comfortable with his SR on me and they’re not questioning the reasons he’s backed it up with, or that there’s a contradiction in his read of Min vs. his read of me.

That’s way too confident and I have to agree with Jane. As I said above, I think there’s a chance there are 0 scum in CRich’s PoE and that kind of worries me. It’s more likely there’s 1 scum in his PoE if he’s a wolf rather than none, but he may just be a townie with totally wrong reads. I could also be wrong and someone is a wolf in that PoE, but I have very low confidence in it right now.

Not quoting the posts but I like that Eevee is making people explain their readlists early.If the explanations don’t hold up,we might catch a wolf. Eevee was never in my PoE and is now trending toward TL just from that.

I like that Night pointed this out. I do, however, see a sharp contrast between how Geyde and Jane are pushing the game forward. Jane is being more cautious and Geyde is being more aggressive. Not saying that one method is objectively wolfier than the other, but I still think Geyde is zeroing in on me because I’m an easy push instead of opening his perspective, and it seriously worries me.

I finally caught up to the point where Vul posted again. Looks OK to me but I’m still questioning why there’s an almost universal SR on me and nobody besides Night and maybe Jane seem to be considering worlds where I’m town. Min at least gave their thought process on me but the rest of you seem way too content to follow Vulgard and Geyde in calling me scum, and that’s unsettling. Are you guys sheeping, or have you just not given explanations?

I veto this. I don’t want Geyde locked in town because there’s something wrong with the way he’s building his PoE to solely consist of me. I’d say this if he did the same to someone other than me, FYI. I don’t like his progression at all because there is none.

Thank you for noticing this, too.

Vulgard, what’s your opinion on Geyde’s slot?

I can’t find where I wrote something on the people who aren’t jumping to SR me yet,but I forgot to say that Shurian is also in that group. Made note of that. Also I think Shurian is very likely BD anyway but I can look into their slot more later.

I can’t decide if that’s a good thing or not. Amelia hasn’t posted anything wolfy from what I can see, but considering I’m on the opposite end of universal reads,I think the thread is jumping to conclusions a bit too fast during D1 and I don’t like it. There’s definitely TMI and finger pointing going on here.

Willing to bet one person pushing me is a neut and one is a wolf. The rest are likely town.