EFoL 4&3/4 - Game Thread - Day 5 (5/16) - The Blue Dragon and Scorned are victorious!

goal of giving people king is making them easy to read
second goal is making sure they are conf town

wolf king is forced to be a lot more socially productive, which makes spew better and makes them easier to out
we can control their shot as well

I’ll give it some thought

Wazza, PKR is way better choice exactly due to being natural when coming out.
PKR always went for all protectives and powers for themselfs.

That’s not bad, altho lacks creativity.

You on the other hand are forcing it too far, especially with baron being a role in this game.

Oh no, you will be unable to control me at all if you elect me, and we both know it.

That’s also why I said I think you can understand my iso and plan so far, but will be still questioning it.

So you want to waste Order Execute so you can have a player you can read?

you do realize you can just yell at king to choose a certain target
that’s literally how I designed it


wazza > rand not groupscum

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Eevee for king now

this is a post

then vote me. Make my life easier.

Reading soul is a constant battle between ‘a wolf would never play like this’ and ‘this slot is not townie whatsoever’


I’m tilted by theirs approach to king election.

“I know Wazza will be elected, so I will leave a vote there” kind of approach to be exact.

tilted in what way

Well yeah, nothing really can prevent me from getting King if I get 4 other votes really. Counts as 10 votes for me and the chances of y’all making a proper decision on King is low.

Wazza would be prime vote for king today if yesterday’s events didn’t happen per last day.

While that was my fault (I noted them obvious Royalty along with some others), it’s now likely that Wazza was a prime convert target.

I’m not sure how far Wazza has grown as a player, but they did go up quite a bit from a lvl 1 player 1 year ago.

Eevoi for reasons I won’t say for the time being.

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I havent cast my vote yet tho
I havent even read the last 200 messages

I wasn’t a prime convert target until y’all started talking about how I might be royal blood and shit yesterday. Which was incredibly stupid.

But no, no one converts me still, I haven’t been converted in any FoL game to my knowledge.

In my entire FM history I have been converted once.

And that was because a soulcatcher revived me.

Kind of just want to shelve king conversation for a sec

It wasnt even a might imo

It was just that obvious and people already picked up on it lel