EFoL 4&3/4 - Game Thread - Day 5 (5/16) - The Blue Dragon and Scorned are victorious!

Idk how to meme properly, either, but I’m just gonna keep doing this till either I fall asleep or I think of something actually serious to say.

Alright, I’ve read up on everything. nothing interesting so I regret reading up.

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Alright, quick read-up done of the OP.

We have king elections, nice. I think this is new. It goes without saying but we’ll elect someone pretty much confirmed. Only issue is whether it’s a cult or unseen game. As dependant on that answer, we’ll know whether or not certain claims are confirmed innocent or potentially sus.

E.g. In a cult game, we cannot trust most classes annoyingly because things such as Butler can be via cult abilities. Whereas in an unseen game, they’d be confirmed.

I also don’t remember all of the classes having the abilities that they have so I feel like those have been changed about too which is cool. Cult feels a lot more powerful in general, reading over the potential things they could have. Unseen having 2 possible spawns is different too, I think.

i have the power of confirming people in either cult or unseen games
social reads go brrrr

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reads suck, just rely on mechanics

-totally a sane person

Anyway, Day 1 feels like useless gibberish where no one does anything, someone says something remotely townie and gets murdered at night

something remotely townie

time to die like a proper guide

this is the exact opposite of how I play

one of us 3 are definitely dying tonight

My goal is to make this not the case for this game

Welp, guess I’m totally sane.
Y’all know I’m pretty much the mechanics dude

Derps Min

Jane Marl
Everyone else

approximately where I am rn

I vaguely like this post tbh
this isn’t how I expect a wolf to talk about transitioning to non-meme content

I assume that these few posts are standard PKR entrance material
I don’t think there’s really anything AI there


New threadbuddies, hello.

PKR, Def should read the op. Most if not all roles have changed lol.

:joy_cat: Town.

Actually, a good thing about this is the fact that deepwolves are slightly less hard to find considering funny nightkill choices.

Of course, now that I mention it scum is going to be like haha x dee now we’re going to kill slightly towny people but that just challenges them to be original anyway LUL.

Hard guess with less than 200 posts in the game: excluding me I’m guessing jane/night/amelia is going to die tonight. that opinion will 100% change throughout the day.


people actually think I’m going to die pogchamp

random thought
It’d probably be best organization-wise to have D1 reads seperate from D2-D3/4 reads (cult/unseen) and stuff to make better evaluations
with conversions and all


this is just setting me up to die.

Anyway, I’m curious who’s gonna run for King tomorrow, obviously don’t state if you dare today but I’m genuinely just a little curious of what’s going to happen

do you feel the satisfaction of getting killed on N1 by the mafia without a roleclaim