EFoL 4&3/4 - Game Thread - Day 5 (5/16) - The Blue Dragon and Scorned are victorious!


Accused Voters Vote Count
PokemonKidRyan EliThePsycho 1/9
eevee Jane 1/9
Wazza Shurian 1/9
Marluxion Wazza 1/9
Geyde Marluxion 1/9
Not Voting min, Geyde, Vulgard, PokemonKidRyan, SirDerpsAlot, WindwardAway, Amelia, Nightingale, eevee, CRichard564, Soulshade55r 11

/Vote Eevee

There wasn’t a reason.

Some people just voted them for King because “lol!eevee”, and we have no idea if they’re even on our side, since they haven’t bothered to do anything at all.

This is probably the second worst King we could’ve gotten.

And it’s not like we can just get rid of them with a Butler, since Butler can’t do that anymore.

Honestly, how the fuck did you let this happen??

@CRichard564 Who did you vote and what happened to asking King candidates who they’d Allies?

I voted Wazza and they said they didn’t want to answer who they’d put in Allies chat.
Also I’m not sure why Eevee was made King because they weren’t the one I was thinking would become King.
Anyway I guess I’ll ask Eevee who they’re putting in Allies chat once they show

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I only wanted them to become King just so I could use Matchmake tonight ig.

But I’m calling it now, I die lol

Still we might as well ask Eevee who is going into Allies chat tonight.
Hopefully the trees don’t get them ala SFoL 64.

I’m taking a break until whenever I no longer feel like just policy lynching eevee.

I somehow feel like Eevee isn’t going to tell us.

at first I wasn’t at all thrilled that Eevee won the election, but when I scrolled back up and read the progression I can kind of see why, and I also think there were worse choices. I don’t see Eevee making himself super clear on why he stepped for king, but I do see a strategy in there other than just “Eevee is evil”.

I still think I was the best option apart from “lol!matchmake”

By the way, I want to know what Eevee’s old role was

the problem for me is that you weren’t making yourself look like a good option by doing an oops and outing your role immediately. normally I’d agree that princess is a pretty decent choice for king, but the whole role outing thing deterred me if I’m being totally honest.

I have some thoughts as to Eevee’s original role but I’m just gonna wait until he says something before forming more of an opinion on it.

are you implying that i’m the worst

Well…I think I know what Eevee’s OG role is.

Also, that wasn’t intentional like I said. It wouldn’t have worked in my favour no matter what anyway if I outed myself intentionally or by accident.

@Wazza vote geyde with me

I’m literally voting you.

I’m not Wazza but I’ll place a preliminary vote on Geyde until he convinces me otherwise.

/vote Geyde

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stop being dense for a second

take what you already know and reread my posts