EFoL 4&3/4 - Game Thread - Day 5 (5/16) - The Blue Dragon and Scorned are victorious!

There was literally no other reason to vote them.

hard disagree
that being said, I didn’t vote Eevee anyway because I saw a better candidate
I still don’t think Eevee was the worst choice here.

@Jane I don’t think you voted me, like the best candidate (class-wise)

I already said I voted PKR.


Accused Voters Vote Count
Geyde Marluxion, WindwardAway 2/9
Marluxion Wazza, Jane 2/9
PokemonKidRyan EliThePsycho 1/9
Wazza Shurian 1/9
Not Voting min, Geyde, Vulgard, PokemonKidRyan, SirDerpsAlot, Amelia, Nightingale, eevee, CRichard564, Soulshade55r 10

Exactly, smh.

hey I’m pretty curious but what would’ve happened if we had quickhammered before king election ended, anyway?

imma ask in my classcard

It’s in the OP.

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all I did was help look at the classcards and improve Baron, I never read OPs :sunglasses:

nothing to be proud of tho tbh

I read the OP and still don’t remember everything I read lol

anyway I’ll make a casing on Marl when I get time which should be after 12 (in 2 hours)

@Marluxion remember we need to vote the obvious BD non-converted Royal out jeosbsusi

Jokes aside, I’m sober for the next 10 mins before the medicine kicks in

Also Prince claims and what not can be debated after everything is done and garnered. (Lmao Soul as Prince, yeah right)

Wazza how salty are you at eevee’s election and how many people do you think voted for you?

I mean, I voted Eevee, why would I care

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How the actual hell am I topposter? Better yet why do I have over 250 posts.

hold up when did this happen

Because of

“Vote me King”
“Oops I’m outed Royal”
“Vote me King because I’m outed Royal” x a lot
“Wait nevermind”

Windward mind explaining this little part in that post here, I’m concerned as I don’t comprehend

What are the worse choices are you refering to? Who would you think will be the best option for king

I’m supportive of eevee for my own reasons but what do you see? Is this strategy geared towards the near future, mid-game or end game?

My opinion of Wazza:

Waz: Should I King?
Me: Uh, no
Waz: All the ways of wanting king intensify
Me: No stop
Wazza: Why did you out me as Royal


King Votes

Accused Voters Vote Count
Eevee :crown: Eevee, Geyde, Wazza, SDA, min*, Soulshade 6
Wazza CRichard564, Amelia 2 (x2)
PokemonKidRyan PKR, Jane, WindwardAway, Nightingale* 4
Marluxion Marluxion 1
Did Not Vote Shurian 1
Not Stated Vulgard, Eli 2

*1 Player is on the player they most likely voted but didn’t clarify.