EFoL 4&3/4 - Game Thread - Day 5 (5/16) - The Blue Dragon and Scorned are victorious!

I’ll give my current thoughts on raw I’m just going to go on pc because it’s easier to format

I don’t think anybody still wants to vig you tbh.

rushed and uninformed town content is worse than slow but informed town content because it leads people down the wrong path, and I’m realizing that now after a couple forum games.

Don’t feel pressured to spew content soul, play at your own pace

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I bet someone’s going to push me again after a couple days.

I don’t doubt it :joy_cat:

Oh, ok. Yeah, I don’t see this ever being W/W just because of the way the conversation has gone. It’s a weird way for a wolf to push as theater.

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push as in bus
it doesn’t look like a bus at all

It’s not going to be any deep isos dives or anything but I feel like I’m just going to hurt the thread even more if I don’t say or do anything.

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You do what you think you need to

Just don’t force content for the sake of content

In any case, this makes me feel even better about Jane being V
which is cool ig

^ what Derps said
tbh if your playstyle is to take it slowly and form reads over time, it’s going to look wolfier if you rush them so just take your time. I think we have better candidates to vote out today.

it does make me think it might really just be V/V tbh.

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my vote is probably more confy on Amelia here anyways
I sort want to give soul space to provide content and then evaluate afterwards
we have 20 more hours here so /shrug

Min: (ST) - Generally acting normal for min not much else to say, they have normal progression and are acting like Min.
Wazza: (SC) - Weird king phase I think they slipped on purpose? I’m not to sure about them on a social level they seem to be very different to the wazza I’m used to because they would normally not say or do much, I think this is a decent slot to keep out of POE today despite being a little suspicous to me.
Jane: (ST or Deep Wolf) - This slot is either a decent wolf player or town player, I think this is the type of player who could do with a general future look into I might wanna check how they’ve been acting all game.
Derp: (ST) - Normal derp not much else to say, slots harder to read then most, They have been speaking out a bit more then usual so it bumps them up a bit
Wind: (ST) - Generally is able to listen and not jump on things too hard but still is voting with contribution, currently I like this slot possibly just trying to “appear townie” but I don’t think it’s in sums best interest to push me right now, They still remain pushy and ask for questions and aren’t afraid to speak up.
Night: (ST) - Similar to wind but also different because I’m pretty sure they still are suspecting my slot more then the average person.
Eevee: (Null) - Normal eevee, can’t say too much

No one else I have had much interaction with. I do have someone else I want to look into but that’s for my own reasons.

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Likely weak but thats just based on whats been said so far when I’ve been online.

sc? meant SM. (Slightly Mafia lean)

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nah I can understand your reasoning on all of those
sorry if you felt you had to rush through that, but it matches up with your earlier short readlist and accounts for progression in interactions.

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I wanna see how wazza develops personally

Yeah this is town

i’ve been
-at church
-playing terrarria
so wowee

i voted wazza
eevee baron?
also i see people are talking about lynching amelia
i support this movement /vote Amelia
this has been replaced by Soul, read the rest of the post to find out why
my one complaint is that amelia is funny

hello gorta
tree time?


derps talking about prince slank vig is…
kinda scummy? feels like he’s trying to derail the thread

bro same

i disagree
i see soul doing nothing.

nevermind he just posted a readlist
let’s dissect the readlist

consensus, NAI

hot take: both soul and wazza are wolf.
wazza because of his focus on King discussion, which is basically derailing thread, among other reasons
soul because of this readlist
of course, that would make this w/w, but i don’t think it’s… theatrics? if i’m understanding theatrics right, of course.

right of the bat: hedge


this is… decent.

i don’t like this part tho

hedge 100


OMGUS be like

shouldn’t this put them at a townlean tho

in a nutshell
soul and amelia are our wagons here
/vote Soulshade @DatBird
back to doing angler quests in terrarria