EFoL 4&3/4 - Game Thread - Day 5 (5/16) - The Blue Dragon and Scorned are victorious!

they said that I would have voted them for the meme
when I don’t even know what they’re talking about

  1. I don’t get the joke
  2. Even if I did get the joke, they’ve been incredibly unfunny this entire game

Them being so transfixed on my slot feels completely illogical and I don’t know why anyone from their position would have that perspective out of the gate

It reminds me of paint it black mafia on MC where they made bizarre misrepresentations of my villager game as a wolf in order to create a push on me
but the circumstances here are that I’m never going over and it’s on home territory where people know roughly how I play so :man_shrugging:
I just
don’t get a single thing they’re doing

It honestly feels like they’re just playing an entirely different game than me

they have their own recognization of what reality is
They value certain things an absurd amount to such a length that they expected very certain things from my play which didn’t track in their world

and nobody is calling them out on this which feels ~weird

I’ll come at this slot a bit later when everything I say doesn’t turn into a pile of mush and swears after a few sentences

I like these posts

Hold on a Second

I don’t, they’re annoying to read >:(

I think Geyde’s posts on Marl’s slot look ok so far but I want to think a little more about it

Oh? I haven’t seen those.

Mainly because I’m not reading his posts, it’s annoying since it isn’t in one big wallpost.

wallposts are dumb

oh come on, they’re not that long

not like my ridiculous EoD wallpost

spacing out your posts is dumb.
(yes I’m being hypocritical)



Anyway. I need this whole thing sorted out with the King Election.

There’s 4 possibilities.

CRichard/Eli/Amelia are scum.
Eevee is Royal Blood BD.
Eevee is Royal Blood Unseen
Eevee is Scum who’s evil team voted for them as well.

I don’t remember Eevee claiming their original class yet.
They might have undisclosed RB, which I can see is a possibility.
Eevee being scum. That is something I’ve been thinking of.
I’m pretty sure Derps was the main proponent of Eevee becoming King.
Derps/Eevee being a possible pair? Maybe though I don’t think Derps has been just existing which he usually does as scum.
They have been doing more than just existing in thread, which is a good sign concerning their slot.

derps doesn’t play like this w/ eevee partner unless he was the n1 convert

esp d1

few Kinda like half the people and mainly the ones I interacted with you can’t expect me to make rush reads on some people I have Zero disccussion with or at least haven’t really looked or payed attention to them.

Derp currently seems townie enough to me he plays differently from most players so I understand scum reading him I just don’t agree with him being scum right now. (at least from janes reads)

Didn’t you push me eailer for being a “slanker” and also making “fake content” Also Likely Jane, Richard and Eli I’ll admit the other two I haven’t really seen much from so I’m just assuming it’s bassically the same reasons you gave.

Thing is I don’t know who is “scum” that’s why I’m trying to interact with people a bit more.

Haven’t seen much from him nor am I sure on how he plays so it would be a tough read.