EFoL 4&3/4 - Game Thread - Day 5 (5/16) - The Blue Dragon and Scorned are victorious!

Unless I’m getting hedgy mixed up, all I saw was them posting things that have already been said apart from the read on me and Gorta

I don’t think I can clear Shurian personally tbh
I do agree they sounded pretty good on D1 but still not to the point where I would lock them
today they’ve just been /shrug

They’re placing pressure on Marl, that’s good enough for me.

I wanted to check Marl last night but y’know.

Im evolving XD

Tmw when your fellow friend knows yourself better than you LEL

the marl read was hedgy because it refused to take a stance and just swerved between ‘yes this could be towny but it could also be wolfy’
restating things is also ~wolfy but since FoL I’m more inclined to be okay with it

I recommend you RNG/WIFOM your target between at least 3 people tonight because we don’t want to give wolves a completely free frame
preferably 2 of them will be the cw’s to whoever gets voted

By the way, this isn’t me clearing Shurian. If anything I’m sus about their sudden switch from me onto the wagon I’m pushing on.

My target will not be obvious at all, but it’s also the reason I want to join allies tonight.

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I thought I made hedgy reads in the most recent game
Then I go read

Oh man LEL

that vote was meme btw

Which one? The one on me or on Marl?

I didn’t read joatjoatjoat

hang on
I’ll brb

I mean
if there’s a wolf in allies then you’re screwed
but other than that this is fine enough

No, what I meant is that I’d discuss the 3 target with Allies Chat, I’m making the final call on my own accord.

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Eevee did the allies thing on Marl’s suggestion tho

btw my plan was 4 but I suppose 3 wouldn’t hurt much anyway

And if Marl gets killed today? What’s the plan for Eevee then? Sit alone in allies with min?

I don’t feel confident I can go into JoATJoATJoAT with a neutral lens since this would be my first readthrough of the game
also I’m lazy and want an excuse :joy_cat:

3 is minimum because 2 is broke
my rationale at least

why would you go 2 anyway, that just sounds dumb and just being like “good luck lol, 50/50”

Also if wolves wanted to be safe they could just occupy me probs. (If Sellsword is in the Cult Chat or allies or if it’s just an Unseen game)