EFoL 4&3/4 - Game Thread - Day 5 (5/16) - The Blue Dragon and Scorned are victorious!

So Eevee please add Min to allies

I claimed it D2, not D1.

you were definitely outed as royal blood on day 1

I was outed but I denied those claims because I actually hadn’t softed at all and had no clue where they came from.

Yeah I’m just disregarding what he says for now tbh

Someone said you probably had RB because you announced your intent to step as a class that is good for stepping iirc

okay so i shouldn’t even bother trying to solve then
fine gl

Kind of want to get into allies because I’ll be actually motivated to do reading during the night phase
I’ll probably do it regardless but weh
I like neighborhoods

I’m not trying to kill your motivation to solve, but this is a historical goof you made

I never said that until D2.

You guys are blurring the days together

shurian said you were rb d1 afaik

Actually I’m not sure which day is which because I was asleep during most of D1 lmao

This was a joke towards Baron if you’re on about this.

I know and I told him “I’m not stating if I am or not, I’ve not softed anything to do with it” because I legitimately didn’t type anything in the intent for it to be a soft intentionally.

Oh whoops I legit read it as either a princess soft or a meme

Wasn’t sure which and didn’t care so I ignored it

ykn what’s rlly annoying

if marl is actually fool lmao

no more discussion of roles until day is over

I can 100% see it from their d1 too lol

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I’m gonna sleep anyway so gn everyone