EFoL 4&3/4 - Game Thread - Day 5 (5/16) - The Blue Dragon and Scorned are victorious!

that would make me feel very good

that article basically boils down to ‘put the wolves in PoE 4head’

on the other hand
this is basically my playstyle :joy_cat:
There is no case on Amelia besides “wolf in PoE”

i thought i made a pretty good case on them earlier plus wazza’s king shenanigans

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I think it’s specifically made to counteract a tendency of “wolfreads are the most important” and "you need a case :triumph: "

If you’re a villager, It would mean yours didn’t work either, so you really shouldn’t. Shurian could still be scum, but I doubt it.

Anyway, there’s no point in interacting with you.

@an_gorta_pratai How confident are you on your CRich read, and could you give a readslist?

this makes me sad tbh tbh

i have more experience with shurian than you tbh
they are firmly in their scumrange still

the only way we win this game is if people begin to accept that i’m a villager and play around it

i’ll bash my head into my keyboard as many times as it takes to get people to realize that

if we walk this back just a bit
Marl and Soul are cool and al
but Amelia has literally nothing going for them whatsoever

They’re nonpresent, they’re nonsolving, all the places where they were >average tonally were when they were skating by with no pressure

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Regarding my PoE, I think Amelia should be put back in PoE as their lack of thread presence is becoming a little concerning.

I don’t have much of a readlist, my main reads are CRich being a wolf, Derps is likely town, there is something more with Marl/Wazza (I would be willing to say there is a wolf between those two). I’ll tell you I focus less on making “read lists” and put extra time and effort into the reads I am more sure of.


Also Eevee not being around near EoD without confirming who is in Allies chat is also concerning too.

the only people who need to know this are eevee and the people actually in allies chat imo

eevee should definitely be more around since they are a doublevoter but that has nothing to do with allies

I legitimately don’t remember much from everyone else but Marl/Wazza/CRich at this point

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Ok sure. Thing is I’d rather we don’t have the King screw up in not having Allies chat set up because of trees.

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anyways, I need fuel in my body

eevee isn’t that bad of a player