EFoL 4&3/4 - Game Thread - Day 5 (5/16) - The Blue Dragon and Scorned are victorious!

how about this

we should be keeping our votes on Marl

not CFDing to Amelia

I know you are now.

But I thought you said that we shouldn’t be voting Marl, that’s my bad


I think that running up two people deep PoE people is ideal so people can actually express stances and stuff

and I also think that Marl’s obs claim is self-resolving and he’s been consistently outer PoE for me, but that’s besides the point

obs isn’t self resolving in an unseen game really at all

two PoE people being wagoned is fine but why the fuck is Amelia being voted off without even being present today

if it’s cult game, maybe it is

I’m not taking the chance thi

I don’t think observer is self-resolving at all tbh unless someone else can mechanically confirm them

Wagon target being present is entirely a non-issue and I don’t see why it matters in the slightest
If anything, Amelia dipping after taking pressure is wolfy because they’re frozen

was Amelia here earlier in the day and I missed it? I only saw her here during D1.

tk just kill amelia imo

If not I’ll find a way to do it myself

And here we are back to sorting peopoe by post count instead of reading them.

Ahhh, good old FoL.


yeah I know I said I was opposed to prince slank vigging but Amelia can just die at night

I think if Amelia hasn’t been here the entire day there might just be real life stuff getting in the way, and if a wolf is being heavily wagoned D2 wouldn’t they probably show up to defend themselves?

@eevee Have you put me and min in allies?

I’m not confident in marl and I’m more confident in Amelia who has done jack in terms of solving or stances the entire game, besides tentatively stepping for king
Could Marl be a wolf? Yes, but I don’t think we need to bag an active wolf today

my memory may be faulty but /shrug

this is literally the problem with your mindset
why wouldn’t we bag an active wolf, if it prevents them from killing or taking other actions tonight?

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For what it’s worth
I guess it’d be good to clear up my stance
I don’t want to necessarily dismantle the marl wagon
I want Amelia and Marl competing wagons just because I don’t have that much faith in Marl being a hit