EFoL 4&3/4 - Game Thread - Day 5 (5/16) - The Blue Dragon and Scorned are victorious!

Also probs mass ping with the actions so no one misses them

I already did but I’ll do it again.

(Also I called Geyde scum D1 smh)


ElithePsycho - Can’t Action
Min - No Action
Zone - Imprisoned
Wazza - Frame Zone
an_gorta_pratai - Mind Meld Wazza (Yes, you must strictly use Mind Meld)
Jane - Imprisons Zone
SirDerpsAlot - Bites Jane
Amelia - No Action
eevee - Order Execute Eli
CRichard564 - Icy Veins + Ley Vines Jane
Soulshade - Should be dead
Shurian - Kill CRichard

Remember. This is the plan. Do not ignore this. Do not tree. Do not be a mistake. Follow. The. Plan.

Round 11 of Tata Steel Masters is starting soon so I don’t mind waiting for eevee.

If that has to be, then I know who to apologize to in dead chat.

tree time?

Uh ok. Thing is trees have a bad habit of occupying a slot filled by Gorta.

Well it’s nearly bed time for me and I might as well /Vote Soulshade before going to bed.
@katze, @Chloe, @Arete and @DatBird.

Yeah I think I was pocketed by Soul most likely.
No more in case they most likely flip cult.
I hope we can still be friends after this game.
Especially Wind and Gorta.


Accused Voters Vote Count
Soulshade55r Shurian, Soulshade55r, Jane, min, Crichard564 5/7
Zone_Q11 Zone_Q11 1/7
Wazza SirDerpsAlot 1/7
Not Voting EliThePsycho, an_gorta_pratai, eevee, Amelia, Wazza 5

Ping me if any votes are incorrect

I’m voting Soulshade btw.

Oh never mind. Thank you.

1 Like

I mean
Crich ftw :3

Hi Shurian.

I’m bored since today is apparently a rest day for Tata Steel Masters.

Shuri since you’re bled

Are you scum

I’m alive, I told the hosts that I was resetting my sleep schedule

You understand the plan, right?

Im dying

Get my name right smh

I understand the plan