EFoL 4&3/4 - Game Thread - Day 5 (5/16) - The Blue Dragon and Scorned are victorious!

We need to be scummy so we can ponce on them wolfs d2.

Was the point I was making

This is actually grounded in some relative reality as I believe we shouldn’t try too much here because previous games I feel like someone from d1 town core gets converted and a semi townie non obvious kill gets killed.

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You do you tho enough of this boring point :slight_smile:

Hi soul

I like how nobody has noticed that I’m almost always scummy D1, by the way. Every time I don’t try to force myself to be obvtown, I get a “this is different from Wind’s last town game, she’s probably a wolf” but all 5 of my FM games have been town games for me. 3 here and 2 on MC, just @ me if you want links or something.

I dislike D1s. Lots of my posts have clearly stated that I find D1 to be useless, a waste of time and a way for scum to establish who they want to kill tonight.

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So like I’m not really bothered by being SR’d on D1 at this point, is what I’m trying to say

Ok I see.
Still you have 12+ hours to prove you’re socially town.
There is no time to waste.

Yeah it’s fine, I can usually prove myself as town once I make a thorough readlist wallpost so I’ll do that before EoD when I’m on my computer.

I’ve never played with you before.
Is that usual on your home site btw?

Hai uwu

This is my homesite lol
That’s just a me thing

The big bad wolfs are going to blow ur house down and eat you up

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Ah ok.
It’s probably dumb to use meta on you as you’ve never had a scum game, though I’ve seen people scum read as scum because they deviated from their town play enough to be noticeable.

Well, that’s the thing I keep trying to point out, but it seems like every game I play is a deviation from my previous game so it makes all of them look scummy early :joy_cat: oh well, I guess I’m not as easy to read as people think I am.

If you’re not a wolf, prove it
Because I’m not changing my pov on you at all until then

Will do

For the record, I wasn’t scum leaning you because of meta.
It was because you were making quite a number of fluff posts and didn’t seem interested in casing people last time I read your slot.

Soul > rand v
I won’t take no for an answer on this

Nah I know that, and I think other people were doing that. I haven’t really memes before in other games so I was trying to see how long I could keep it up this time lol.

I’m really bad at reading other people’s fluffposts since they’re mostly NAI so I don’t start forming reads until the meme phase is over. There’s actual content now and I think some of it is AI so I got a couple preliminary reads that I didn’t post before I fell asleep because I was too tired to bother. I did post them now, though.

Also it looks like a lot of people started posting after I fell asleep, so I’ll look into their slots as well.