EFoL 4&3/4 - Game Thread - Day 5 (5/16) - The Blue Dragon and Scorned are victorious!

“i want more KP in my setup in the form of a player who is almost never going to win without buffing town/mafia” is my guess

in larger setups i think this philosophy makes more and less sense simultaneously

wow guys kats flip!


LMAO the joycat

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Gamer solution:

Daily Modkill on the lowest living poster.

I’m safe

are we talking about NK

countries FM
alls i’m gonna say


Thanks kyo for making mafia win

that’s funny because I always have the problem of too much KP when experimenting with setup design
maybe I should stop having funny ideas for KP roles :joy_cat:

stupidly broken kp is funny though

rip gorta

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Whenever they write someone’s name, that person dies.

this reminds me that the setup im currently working on has no extra KP at all and that might be a problem

make a wagonbomber :joy_cat:

Lost wolf dayvig asceticizer that doesn’t know their abilites, which the packwolves unknowingly controll in the form of a mysteriously labeled factional ability?

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nk with daykills instead of nightkills

this is pain I do not talk about this role

Lost Wolf Unstoppable Day Arsonist Suicide Bomber Who Can Real Bleed And Fake Bleed Once Per Day And Has Infinite Strongmans, And Activates The Claimvig Once They Die, And Has Both A Rampage And A Conditional ENV

this is the way


mafia jester sounds based

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I would out my other dumb ideas but there’s a chance I assemble a runnable game so I’ll hold onto them for now


Do you mean Mafia White Flag?