EFoL 4&3/4 - Game Thread - Day 5 (5/16) - The Blue Dragon and Scorned are victorious!

Imagine not playing The Game :tm: with the added rule that if you see a fed-ex truck you lose.

i lost the game

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Imagine ever wanting to play this game.



You seemed very towny to me until Geyde/Zone screwed up there.
I thought that their read on you made sense.

If Zone didn’t open wolf, I probably wouldn’t have gotten there on Zone+Shurian being the solve.

I was planning to get rid of CRich because I knew he would suspect me
I forgot all about Eli lel

More rant about cant target same person 3 times in a row with Vigi

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You weren’t wrong on that assessment.

I’m the Kokichi of this game.

I’m not sure why you went into POE, and then I tried to use that as self resolving

And I went
“Well shit I’m going to die”

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No converts hurt DX

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Also Wind dying to conversion attempt outed the fact that Cult failed conversion.

That didn’t sit well with me for some reason.
I was thinking “What is this”?

I was trying to “cold steel” you
Which didnt work out

honestly, I only scum read you because that’s how you were the last two times I saw you play as scum. I now know that what I thought was scummy is more NAI and won’t scum read you purely for that next time. I was going to re-eval you hard after Marl died, but I thought you primarily pushing me felt like agenda because you also did that in JoJo.

I had my problems, like I barely made any proper reads and I cleared the wolf this game

derps is not scum mvp
shurian is
dont get it twisted

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I mean my meta was pretty indistinguishable in this game compared to my recent scum games.
So I guess it wasn’t a surprise you mis read me.

I also thought your play in this game resembled how you played in JoJo until Eevee pointed out to me that you had no underlying agenda lol


I always try to avoid relying too much on meta. As it can too easily lead to conf biasing my self if I’m not careful.

In all seriousness I’d say the same of any tool not just meta.
NKA, tone, interactions. Any tool can lead to conf bias if you’re not willing to look for evidence that might disprove your earlier read.

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Also in response to what Eevee had to say about my posts.
Fry squinty eye complement or insult