PKR had a read on Derps that came from an uninformed perspective, and a lot of posts that come from a mindset I often have as town but not really ever as wolf
Min is forwarding the game, isn’t clunky, and is a large departure from any previous games they have, and step away from what I know as their wolf meta
CRich is solving actively. When the thread isn’t moving, they go into the ISOs of the players they havent read yet. Their progressions make sense, and while I think they are overthinking reads sometimes, they have a sheer volume of progressions that would be very hard to fake as a wolf
Eli is pushing forward more content than any game I’ve seen them in before, and they are doing so in a natural, good-faith way. This isn’t how I would expect a wolf to act when they have a meta of slanking as villager.
Marl’s tone is insanely different from the two wolfgames I’ve had on them. Like, I called out Marl correctly in Morphogenetics for having a similar tone to GM3. He’s just totally different here, and he doesn’t have a lack of thoughts to reinforce this read. He could very well be a neut. But he’s probably not a wolf.
Derps had a super smooth transition from jokes to content at SoD. This is really the only notable thing in their ISO, but this is a part that I always struggle with as wolf and Derps just felt super natural, his take on me didn’t feel forced in either content or timing.
Shurian, I have been informed, is obvwolf when wolfing. Although they haven’t done much, they’ve done some mech discussion and didn’t handle it awkwardly or stiltedly at all.
Geyde and Jane are pushing forward the game, and I agree with a lot of their takes, but I don’t see the obvious uninformedness that I see from players like PKR or Min. I still like them, but I have more of a closer eye on Geyde and Jane in particular. They both had good thread entrances, and it’s not like they’re awkward. I intend to monitor their read progression and rigidity going forward.
Vulgard doesn’t have much that’s independently villagery. Their solving is fine, but not inspiring. On the other hand, I’ve played with both W!Vulgard and V!Vulgard before, and W!Vulgard tends to be a lot more confident. I can vouch tonally and content-wise that they feel like they did in Morphogenetics, but this isn’t hard and fast.
other three later:tm: