EFoL 4&3/4 - Game Thread - Day 5 (5/16) - The Blue Dragon and Scorned are victorious!

I regret ever mentioning the idea of adding you to Allies chat.

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I only need a few votes anyway. RB can be powerful especially if everyone wants to split their votes.

real quick need to discover what Wazza is and then immediatley out it because he says there’s only 1 class with RB that wants to be king, therefore… scum know it


I agree wholeheartedly :joy_cat:

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I wouldn’t recommend outing it since there’s obviously one more that could run for King.

Derps for king

I’m already voting you :joy_cat:

there’s actaully 3 options lol

one of which is unseen but still

Ah yes

My favorite king candidate


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I’d like to announce my running for king

You will flip as The Mystic

Ah yes, that totally counts, everyone will obviously vote me if I out I am the Baron.

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they stole the trollbox and mental blur from us
tricksy little moderatorses


gotta go do chores now


I’d vote it tbh

it would be hilarious but also sad if I had somehow accidentally c/p’d my classcard

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Yo I’d like to run for king