EFoL 4&3/4 - Game Thread - Day 5 (5/16) - The Blue Dragon and Scorned are victorious!

I think you’re reading too much into stuff tbh. Like, what makes you think they believed your claim in the first place?

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Did you get burned by them recently

This really doesn’t feel like how W!Min solved in countries and a lot closer to GM3, but evolving metas and stuff so the read isn’t like lock or anything

If they didn’t believe my claim, I feel like they wouldn’t of been talking about it as actual role in the game that they haven’t read about yet.

also ur probably right that I’m overthinking but it still stood out to me

my brain is feeling confused and not thinking clearly so I’ll probably take a thread break and continue drawing

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Stay safe

I’m gonna pace around for a little bit so catch y’all later :cat:

Actually you’re right, I legit did not know if it was a role or whether it was in this game
Doesn’t mean I believed you were real claiming there, but I considered it a possibility because I hadn’t read the neut roles to know for sure

I’m gonna be back later too

These posts don’t sound like they ever believed the claim. (Yes, I know that these were after Amelia said that Missionary isn’t in the game)

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I can see that actually but the second one tho I’m a tiny bit confused

if they thought it was in the game why would they think it was a silly claim? d1 neuts neut claims aren’t silly and are sometimes real? Unless fol players never believe they are in that case shrug moment

They didn’t say the claim was silly. They were saying you were being silly for

  1. Claiming a Neutral class D1
  2. That isn’t even in this game


someone bonk me because I apparently can’t read. that makes sense tho, thank u for clarifying ^^

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Oh by “they’re just being silly” I was trolling lol. I meant “they” = the ones who were saying missionary isn’t in the game

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You guys can read fine, I just can’t English today lol

Oh, guess I was wrong aswell :joy_cat:

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i use they pronouns that’s probably v easy to mistake no worries

Yeah I actually realized that it might get confusing after I wrote that, but decided it didn’t matter so I didn’t bother to elaborate :joy_cat:

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/skip day

/ITA derps

Jokes on you I’m merc

this is an experimental game
we must be all experiment
there is no room for being silly in the laboratory
