EFoL 4&3/4 - Game Thread - Day 5 (5/16) - The Blue Dragon and Scorned are victorious!

I swear earlier you said I wasn’t in your wolfreads. What happened to that?

I was juggling the neut thing
Could you explain Marl take
I can’t find myself seeing your perspective

Ah, okay I was wondering since they’re at the top of my PoE.

(And yes I mentioned this earlier when talking to Jane but everyone seemingly ignored it so here you go again)

There is a school of thought that says Marl is an extremely good peek

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Neut Evil would make sense with the entirely different tone, feeling free to meme around, and a making the king play

It’s mostly just a tone meta thing where Marl feels way different from the two wolfgames I’ve played with them recentely (GM3, Morpho)

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I can see it


The main reason I want them is because they were so untrustworthy I didn’t want to find their class type.

Also because it’s easier to clear Marl from social then finding a classtype since a direct classtype doesn’t help much.

you weren’t in my wolfreads
it’s just that once I came around to placing Eevee and Soulshade higher than “kill asap PoE” the tier I put you in had the ground swept out from under it

No, that’s just you being lazy.

My aproach to this game so far and right now is very… unique.

You should be able to get something out of it easily if you actualy read it.
But yet it’s still null for you.

Moreover, I’m not the one who should be reading myself for you to make decision.

That’s why I knew you will not provide satisfying answer.
Becouse you already decided.

In this case decided on portrating me as your null read, regardless of your aligment.
When in reality you never stopped to think for a moment about my aproach.
Plus you are focused on content, not motivation.

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im tired so ill go to bed now and think over this stuff maybe while im asleep
good night :crescent_moon:

Why I changed my mind on Soul to being in PoE when I slight rand V leaned them.
I didn’t like their D2 entrance speculating it’s a cult game.
It sort of looks like an attempt to be productive, when it isn’t accomplishing anything that obviously helps town.

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I would say that
And then that’s literally their entire iso so it may just be playstyle

to be clear im deliberating placing an execution vote between Marl/someone who isnt marl but that can wait until tomorrow probably

My guy did you not read my post? My post stated I’ve not evaluated your slot. I’ve seen all your posts and none of what you have said has left me with a good enough thing for you to be a good enough King candidate. If anything it’s just the opposite because of your cocky nature every few seconds. You aren’t helping out with a single thing.

I’m not literally saying you’re a “Null” because I’ve gotten nothing, it’s more because you’ve left me on the fence to place you.

My guy all I want for you is to tell me why you should be King? That shouldn’t be so hard if you want it so badly.

last thought
not sure if I should crown vote eevee for the memes
I probably shouldn’t be making any potentially important decisions when my brain is shot lol

partially for the memes
partially as a sheep of Geyde and Vulgard because I trust them enough to do that or something

Your vote probably shouldn’t change anything anyway

What am I