I don’t really like the fact that you get exact results of what your barrier did. I think a generic message would be better, as you can confirm what effects are being used, and get a full scope of what is happening in the game. It does take a bit of luck, but having such an encompassing ability gives Court Wizard a lot of information just on his own. I realize you’re doing this to make the CW seem more fun, but it’s no different than the current Barrier other than it is only good for BD, since it only protects from Evil abilities, which IMO makes it even more boring to use, as there is even less thought process about it. Just throw it on at the beginning of the day and it’s over.
I also don’t like that you’re supporting the lack of occupy immunity from the day skill, yet you still have Tornado, which overtakes redirection immunity, as is twice as effective at working on confirming the CW since it works on two targets.
Finally, I’m not super into having limited night abilities when they aren’t as powerful as the abilities of Hunter. Most of CW’s think will be spent on processing the information from the day and rushing to pick a target first thing in the morning to avoid bleeding and silencing from Evils. And again, with limited night abilities, and ones with only Tornado being is only impactful one (Ice Ward is powerful, but it’s mostly just a safer, weaker, and more boring Tornado) I think most court wizards are going to have boring nights, doing nothing.
I would love to see Ice Ward either changed into something else, or perhaps swapped with Light Barrier, and allow Ice Ward to be decided during the day. Heck, even allow Light Barrier to persist during the day if no one used a negative ability on your target last night.