Elemental Court Wizard Rework - Livicus

Icy touch should not use souls

I use it when I am about to get executed
Take that king look a frisbe

I mean it’s not useful to actually make a gameplay impact

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But what about when you look at it as a whole?

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I say make it 15 secs

Or make it unlimited uses

I mean the Court Wizard, not Distract xD

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And @NightX
I’ve temporarily swapped Imbue for Light Barrier which doesn’t count Occupation and Redirection as a negative effect, what does it look like now?

And @NuclearBurrito
This is not the Court Wizard you first saw like 10 hours ago

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One of the best day abilities I have seen so far

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Is this a joke or is this a legitimate comment?

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I may be sarcastic a lot

But I try to make it obvious when I am

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Oh, thank you, yeah you’re really sarcastic from what I see

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I ethier sarcastic

Or would argue with someone the sky is green

The sky is green

I see I see

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Linking spree

I’m not a big fan of light barrier. It has no downsides at all. Part of what makes barrier somewhat of a toss up is that when used randomly, you can make a normal class seem occupy immune. With this new change, you literally just make them immune to everything except that. This gives it far too much utility with basically no downsides. If used on unseen/cult, you protect them from possessor, reaper, sorc, and troll boxes, but that’s it. Unseen/Cult aren’t concerned with their own abilities or conversion.

I think Ritualist should be able to defile himself, especially if sacrificed by Cult Leader

Stop buffing cult… please…

Every time someone offers a buff for
Cult I throw up inside my mouth.

Nothing wrong with buffing Cult


Then buff the unseen to who
Can’t replace there leader

Reason it’s being changed is because people feel that all its primary ability, Magic Barrier, does is mess up Butlers and Drunks