Elemental Large FM - (2/16) - Day 7! - Serial Killer Wins!

Merc + OTB?

Because heā€™s using his brain for starters. As scum he could push me into paste and everyone would agree with it because plant flipped town instead of looking at what plant did and realizing you lynch that 100% of the time. Heā€™s not going for easy. Heā€™s going for right.

He did sheep me initially but he did start throwing his weight around, although heā€™s being a fair bit jester-ish

No priority is any type of scum at all. NK hunting is generally a scum claim but your predecessor didnā€™t feel scum to me.

Iā€™m still wary though, Plant was one of the least experienced FM players on this site in that game, so of course he would cave in from pressure, he doesnā€™t know gambits and role fishing

Aka boopydoop likely cit

Then the lynch serves to make the site better. He should have at least done something after claiming tracker. Literally anything at all. He didnā€™t. That is textbook scum play.


I see

I didnā€™t cc tracker.

Instead of asking questions like that you should be asking why did scum and SK kill who they did? Wait a minute that points an arrow directly at you. I see why youā€™re asking stupid questions.

/vote Merc

Again because clearly itā€™s necessary

Thatā€™s when you look at who died and why even more.

Lol I did.

Encouraging good doc play is good. Wisdom check by Merc fail.

So glad Merc is scum this game.

Every 2 hours Iā€™m online

Vote Count!

Accused Voters Count
MathBlade bazingaboy, Sam17z, Max Mole 4/7
Sam Livicus 1/7
Marl PKR Bin 2/7
Merc Math 1/7

With 13 alive, majority is 7.

Yeahā€¦thatā€™s just a whole lotta nope.

Instead of asking questions like that you should be asking why did scum and SK kill who they did?

I already questioned it to myself and thought of a response, and it was because you redirected doctors into people that were more likely to be attacked.

This contradicts your post below, because you quoted a post where I saw who died and thought why those targets were picked.

Stop trying to save yourself from lynch by putting a newbie in the spotlight. Itā€™s not going to work.

  1. Not trying to save myself. I am doing this whole giving reads thing.

  2. No you didnā€™t. You said that they were weird kills. As mentioned before scum doesnā€™t kill at random unless they use an RNG. Did they use RNG yes or no? If not why astand? Why Hjasik? You have not addressed these points because youā€™re scum who killed Astand.

Since when has reducing KPN been scummy?

Already explained this in a prior game. Itā€™s because youā€™re literally taking a crap shoot as SK has no partners to interact with, youā€™re not looking at the interactions to find group scum and in general it denies town a lot of what it needs to function and more often than not mislynches town. Itā€™s a way for scum to ā€œhuntā€ without hunting.

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Math, Iā€™m pretty sure you have been player this thing for years so I donā€™t think it is really necessary to have me explain you how sometimes mafia try to point someone else to be lynched instead of themselves, by framing them as most worthy of the daily lynch.

Weird kills that had a motive. The term RNG was a missplaced hyperbole. The kills clearly werenā€™t random.
Your wording here implies that I only pointed out ā€œoh weird kills Math did themā€ instead of bringing my reasoning into discussion. So please, stop attacking scarecrows.

I donā€™t need to know if it was SK or Mafia who killed Hjasik and Astand, but if I had to take a shot it would be SK - Hjasik and Mafia - Astand.

Astand as far I remember didnā€™t pose a threat to the serial killer for they to be a likely kill, and was killed because mafia were sure there wouldnā€™t be doctors on them, because you softed the doctors strongly on not to randomly do actions. The kill on Astand wasnā€™t random, but was random-esque to the doctors who expected other townies to be killed.

Thereā€™s still no reasoning there.

Assume the kills arenā€™t random, which specific player makes which kill.

I think you kill Astand. You still donā€™t have reasoning here. All youā€™ve said is that itā€™s not random.