Elemental Large FM - (2/16) - Day 7! - Serial Killer Wins!

Every 2 hours I’m online

Vote Count!

Accused Voters Count
Blue Sam 1/5

Care to share?

So you are claiming citizen, right?

Well I kind of read Max as doc/mafia so it kind of makes sense that Max and Sam are doctors.


Since we prodded them I’m not doing it again, but let’s wait to see what they say to check if I was right.

Wait wait nevermind.
I checked Math’s posts relating to their doc claim.
For me it seemed like it was done more as a way to harvest reaction to read doctors out than to properly defend himself. Although it may not be the case depending on how Mole replied him (I will check it later). Math first pushed me in an attempt to “yes but she is more sus”, then realized he was going to be a lamb and hardclaimed doctor not to serve as his defense but to bring docs out.

Bruh this post pings me hard

/vote Qwert won’t be able to be on for a while cause school, don’t hammer anyone yet pls

Your push on Marl is logical. But the way you are pushing it seems dumb. It seems you know for sure (for some reason) that Marl is scum like something I wouldn’t know. Which means you are mafia who attacked Marl and knows he is sk done

Is it not inconceivable that Marl is about 95% the SK attacked by mafia due to (A) him being a high priority night target in general and (B) him being the most active pusher on MathBlade?

Also may I direct you to 2d3, where I made a similar, yet less logically formed push on Ashe.

The only reason I don’t have my vote on Marl as of current is due to the fact that I’m taking advice given to me, ironically by Marl, to not tunnel until I’m 100% certain they’re scum. It’s 95% currently, but I’d like to know why they think PKR is SK.

@Marluxion would you be able to answer why you think PKR in particular is SK? Which parts ping you of that in particular?

Also finally, Gamer (the slot I took over for anyone not following) replaced out basically immediately after the deaths of the Nurse and 1st Doctor. What rationale would a Mafia member have to replace out when 3/5 Town PRs died in the span of a day/night cycle?

(Apologies if analysis of replace-outs is considered angleshooting.)

Yea dont use replacement as your reason please.

Yo please confirm whether you are a doc. And sam you too.

No Angleshooting

still waiting for you two to confirm you are actually the doctors @Sam17z @MaximusPrime

Jammy’s replace out when pushed
He’s either SK or Citizen, never mafia or pr

I’m unfortunately, not the doctor…

Also pls vote Qwert I highly suspect him RN… Didn’t answer me when I said that I suspected him

Inb4 I get mislynched for saying that…

@Mercenary heal me if you are doctor

@mercenary are you doctor or is someone lying?

wait aren’t you a doctor?

I can neither affirm or deny that statement