Elemental Large FM - (2/16) - Day 7! - Serial Killer Wins!

This situation sucks

@Qwert give me your reads

Or evil king

@PokemonKidRyan you too
Speak up


Me v Blue is feeling TvT. Serial killer is probably laughing on the sidelines waiting until they HAVE to post

Whats with the pings? Feels a bit weird with marl not committing to his gambit, is this more town!marl or scum!marl?

It’s pretty hard for me to make reads at this stage, can ppl give me some of their previous SK games or just tell me their scum tendencies?

Why not vote PKR then

Should I cover for insanity and say I am doctor thoughts

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If you didnt out merc yesterday she could have lived. There is no way we were lynching merc.

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/vote Marl

now you are outing insanity, why are you so anti town sam?

Objection argumentative

I’m alive!

Vote Count

Marl-Blue Sam (2/4)

I am not Doctor.


Yes you are

why would i do that as scum marl
explain it to me


I’m dead tonight due to this

I’m the actual doctor