Elemental Large FM - (2/16) - Day 7! - Serial Killer Wins!

I think Baz here is scum

No, it is not. In the past we believed Plant wanted to bait the real tracker out, now we believe tha Math claimed Doc as scum not to get lynched.

wait your votes on him? Iā€™ll just add it

Every 2 hours Iā€™m online

Vote Count!

Accused Voters Count
MathBlade bazingaboy, Sam17z, Max Marl Blue Merc 6/7
Marl PKR Bin 2/7
Celeste Math Mole 2/7
Baz Livicus 1/7

With 13 alive, majority is 7.

Oh wait but the difference there is that Plant is too inexperienced to have tried gambiting in any form

and losing our second to last PR means near death when weā€™ve already mislynched once

However if Math flips scum thatā€™s good too, as he rrfused to listen to my case on Plant

I spountaneously had the idea to claim a NE in my third or so game ą² _ą² 

Are you scum?

How. Are you Hjasiks killer? You keep insisting Math knew he was a doctor when thereā€™s 0 reason to think so.


Hmmā€¦ I guess it is too convenient to come out with a pr claim. Hmm. I think Scum is on this wagon, but I dont see it turning around on anyone elseā€¦

/Vote Math

Hopefully, the game still continues tomorrow!


Thatā€™s hammer.

Shut up itā€™s twilight anyone posting under gets modkilled (if luxy agrees)


MathBlade has been lynched!


MathBlade has died! He was an Elemental Goon.

Night 2 starts and will end in 24 hours, send in night actions now!


Night will be extended to after my calculus test in about 3hrs

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Did someone replace Celeste?

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Day 3 dawns, one person is found dead!

Livicus has died! He was a Town Citizen.

Day 3 starts and will end in 72 hours. You may now talk.

Only one death :thinking:

doot doot

/vote moleland