Elemental Large FM - (2/16) - Day 7! - Serial Killer Wins!

Your vote on blue is majorly scummy explain

Right, then why not vote qwert?

Because Luxy has soft confirmed them as Citizen by not replacing them during the night

I did. Stop being shit

Your ate means you are scum flailing thanks for openwolfing

I donā€™t think you understand what aTe is.

You never explained your vote on blue you liar

Stop being shit

Math threw shade at celeste and called her scummy does that nullify your read in anyway?

Maybe. But mostly itā€™s the no replacement during the night.

Iā€™ve only recently woken up. RIP :expressionless:
Time to catch up and do a mini catchup post.

Prime suspect is Mole for some people - Reasons Iā€™ve seen: Lack of vote / defensiveness. Furthermore heā€™s still being jokey which is unusual for him
Marl still suspects me of being NK yet his vote placed doesnā€™t make sense. Why would you not vote SK if youā€™re confident? I would, any time

Because I donā€™t want to hang the so yet I want mafia out first

SK can never get majority

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You would keep 2 KPN over 2 Maf with 1 potential KPN? Explain how that would be better.

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Serial killer also has to cap maf

People make this mistake all the time.

Once we lynch the second Mafia member, the SK doesnā€™t have to CARE about killing mafia, they just need to reach the final two.


Lack of vote? Da fuq does that mean?

/vote overthebin

lurking scum detected

I think this is our SK if we care about SK