Emotional stress in Fol/FM

no it doesn’t

Does not encourage creativity

you haven’t even read it lol

That’s the real problem here


Yes I have.

Then I ignored it.

You just said it put play styles in a box but it doesn’t though

Where the hell did it do that


One second

here’s the article

Also people not realizing newbies can have good idea/points and ignoring them instead of explaining why it wouldn’t work that way, ignoring them only to answer the meta strong players
If it is to talk about MU articles Mantichora says in one to discuss with newbies :woman_shrugging:

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Can confirm this

I think the truth is probably somewhere in between and you’re only presenting one side of the argument here. There are “unskilled” players who just don’t give a damn about becoming better and there are “unskilled” players who would get crowded out by “skilled” players.


i mean

i by no means am a good fm player but i still try my hardest and I believe that’s why people have had no problem with my gay ass. I was very much a toxic asshole 2+ years ago (by my own admission i might add), but as I matured as a person I believe I matured as a player.

i hope that makes sense lol

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Also getting people to listen to you is also a skill… That might be muddled by reputation here, but it’s important in social deduction too.

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I haven’t read it in a while so it’s not as bad as I made it out to be, but

brain buffers as I struggle with the English language

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which is why maturity imo is also important.
i was an immature toxic ass back when I started so rightly nobody would listen
but i consider myself a mature ass now so it’s easier to get people to listen to my super accurate reads

So what you are saying is emotions affected your memory of past events

Don’t worry that happened to me a lot when I play forum mafia

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I still don’t like the article

confirmation bias

I’ll steal your tail