Emotional stress in Fol/FM

There has to be a line somewhere.
When taken to the extreme, deathtunnels have lasting and undeniable significant negative effects and there’s no denying that.

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Except as much as it is a bad argument it is the only feasible one in a game such as FM.

if this was sarcasm, apologies. I can’t really identify sarcasm

What I’m saying is, saying ‘dont take it personally’ is just as helpful as telling a depressed person ‘just be happy’ except in this case its the only thing you can do

I mean, really the only option is don’t play if you can’t handle it.

You can’t tell people ‘don’t push on someone you think is scum a lot because it might hurt their feelings.’

I had a freind go through something similar.

He wasn’t ever really in a good mood, but it was the smaller things that would cause him to break down.

Granted, he has some mental problems, but high-stress situation(like seeing the culmination of hours of work fall apart) would definitely cause him to break down.

Usually people should call the help line, but some people might struggle to do so(not wanting to address their feelings)

Also, was the proverbial box Geyde mentioned the PoE? @Vulgard

(I think in the end you are both decent people, Maxwell, Vulgard. I see this particular case as an accident. I’m pretty sure you two can talk about this later and get this problem out of the world.)

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Because even if no one insults or tunnels you, your work falling apart is always stressful.

How about we discuss this after the game is over.

I’m just saying getting into fm is already going to take mental stress you shouldn’t get into one if you feel like your risking your life or mental well being playing one.

You should be self improving or anything you can do to help, purposely putting yourself in a argumentative game and situation if you cannot handle it is a issue.
Maybe fms should have a mental health warning (if it doesn’t already)

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there’s a big difference between tunneling in general and tunneling in a clearly and identifiably cruel way. It is fully possible to tunnel people without making them feel especially bad mentally

Who does this?

How do you define this?

I actually like that idea.

Like a “warning, this game can be stressful. If you are not in a state to deal with large amounts of stress, you might want to reconsider joining”


i’ve been tunneled dozens of times but felt that it was this for the first time in sfol 53. Geyde clearly felt that bad as well

The problem is very complex, because it involves a lot of factors and people can be affected by this in different ways.

Experienced players aren’t always correct, they are more likely to be correct then people who aren’t experienced, however they also have a chance of being wrong. Some experienced players due to being correct most of the time, have this feeling of since I’m good at this game I can read these less experienced players easily 100% of the time. We know this is incorrect, however one of the problems here is they think inexperienced players aren’t going to be right, because they are less experienced then them or they don’t have good reads most of the time.

The solution to this part of the problem, is improving people’s play here on this site. If we can rapidly increase player skill on this site experienced players won’t think of inexperienced players as easy reads anymore, and will be more likely to listen to other people’s arguments. However this is extremely hard to do, and I gave up trying to do it because no one is willing to help me.

The other side of the coin, is inexperienced players not listening to others. This is the other part of confirmation bias, and is just probably because they know they are town and therefore and more likely to be correct. The solution to this is again, get them to improve their play so they can read people easier and know that they won’t always be right.

This problem is tricky, but the solution seems to be the same across the board. For example people on MafiaUniverse are more likely to listen to others because they know they won’t always be right, so they are more open to arguing with others.

I don’t think making a rule is the solution, I think the site is just the problem as you have a divide between experienced players and inexperienced players.

But hey I can be completely wrong and there’s a different solution to this


I’m really hesitant to say a word about it because of the rules. And trust me, I do have plenty to say about it, I’m just being extra careful because I’ve broken this rule already and I don’t want to get banned.

I’m not quite sure how to define it right now but I am confident that it is definable.

It’s a necessary evil

Like obviously someone tunneling doing something like

‘Oh you’re so shit at being scum I caught you shut up scum why are you so bad at forum mafia.’

Is against the rules.

But I don’t think someone saying to ignore what you’re saying because you’re scum trying to anti-spew per se should ever be against the rules.