Emotional stress in Fol/FM


No worries, its in the past and it wasnt even you

My opinion is that FM is not for the faint of heart.

That’s simply how it is. It’s a very niche enjoyment and breaks seem commonly a necessity even for the most experienced players

A big emotional investment sometimes means a turn downards. That’s unavoidable. You can’t experience a high from seeing the right scum flip or leading a mislynch if you don’t also experience the low when being mislynched or found out as scum. I think you employ the same strategies you do for other “dangerous” stereotypical addiction like activities like gaming/alcohol etc. If it starts impacting your daily life in negative ways, you curb your time on it. Moderation is key and where moderation lies varies from case by case. If you have to go cold turkey, do it. It’s literally supposed to be a form of entertainment after all. It’s all up to you.


I want to respond to this post, but honestly I believe that everyone (Especially Solic) has said it perfectly.

:woman_shrugging: I was thinking this kind of reconciliation was important. And I don’t think it broke the integrity of the game.

Yeah, but that doesn’t mean you cannot try to make the game more enjoyable for everyone. Always try to hurt the player, the character… but not the actual person.


Hard agree

Attacking someone’s play in a game is fine almost every time

Going for their throat is almost always not


wait what?

Yes. Some people aren’t so thickskinned as others. It’s true.



Get outta here

My advice? Never play Survivor. It’s 10x worse than FM.
To improve on FM just associate everything a player is doing for the purpose of the game; if they’re insulting you, twist it towards your advantage (such as saying X is saying Y in an attempt to do Z) and have them executed.
If you manage to master that not only do you reduce stress based on other people’s words you also improve in your game.

Otherwise, I can’t really give any advice on how do deal with stress of the game (such as having 3 people push on you and feel the need to do something). That’s one of the reasons I play FM. It’s addictive.
Keeping composure is probably the best thing you can do.



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What? I love playing survivor :eyes:

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Oh wait… what is “Survivor”? You don’t mean the class, do you?

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Maybe we have different playstyles that lead us to feel guilty.
I had four people yelling ‘BACKSTABBER’ on my tribal.


nope he means the survivor me and Kai are hosting. oof

It’s literally based around emotional stress than psychological.
There are no classes. You’re just trying to write people off for who they are.
Not what they rolled in the game.

Can I give a summary of what I did DatBird or is that against the rules?

So… NK showdown?

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