Empath 13'er - Sign-up Stage - Canned

easiest escape of my life

Then my question is how’d you get your face on a phone? You must look very blank without a face

by laying on top of it?

You can’t catch me

I escaped your foul trap

Firekitten is a hen. He laid on top of a phone.

Henlo FK

laying my face on top of it, or otherwise my face wouldn’t be on my phone

I’m not allowing you to win

How are you typing then OwO

My face is on the top half part

You could just say your nose is touching it and you’re using text to speech

I could but I would be lying

Well if there’s one thing I’ve deduced from this it’s that you lie.

You should have deduced that when I play forum mafia

Is this an in, Litten?

Let me guess

No because champs?

The game will likely only begin mid-June.


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Think I’m pretty open atm /in

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They do except I cant keep a straight face while lying, played One Night Ultimate Werewolf last night with the family and got caught like 3 times just because my face. Could pull off some gambits but I had to force my face to be as neutral as possible which is hard when your creating an elaborate lie

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