Event: BOATS?

That’s a relief to know.

And how is the prize allocated?
Everyone who survives? Or first one to escape?

We cant post in main thread now till event ends?

All players who escape will receive some sort of prize, but players who perform better may receive better prizes.


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Got it. I think I’m ready for the riddle.

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I’ll never be ready, but let’s start


Alright, if there are no more questions I’m going to post the riddle. The deadline to submit your answer will be at 2021-06-20T20:12:00Z (:12 good, :13 bad).

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Lol literally me

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This story begins many years ago with eight friends, tiny children who met by tragic ends. How can you imagine avoiding the same fate, unless you can solve this puzzle before it’s too late?

Little Rory practiced his tuba every day, eighth notes dancing across the music in front of him. During one such rehearsal, however, a snake somehow made its way into his instrument, travelled through it, and bit him on the lip, killing him with its venom.

Losses are never easy, but those without time to realize what’s happening may hit even harder. Everyone knew Neophytes loved donuts, but no one realized that that would be his downfall. Truly, however, when he ate a poison-laced donut, he did not have even a second to realize what had happened, before slipping away into death.

Enu always wondered why his parents had given him a name meaning “fifth-born child” when he had no siblings. As a young child, he would invent fantastical explanations, but it turned out to be quite simple. Cs and Gs and As and Ts, lining up in a fatal pattern; he had had four older siblings, once, but they had died from a heritable genetic disease, and he was no exception.

However, Beste’s death was far less predictable in advance. Could she really have known that the anvil-throwing team would be having their practice directly outside her window, before she was crushed by an anvil, her weight barely a sixth of its weight?

Innocent Maya cared about nothing except her favorite sport. Running was her life, and she wanted nothing more than to one day take first place in the Olympics, but it was not to be. During one of her races, she fell, and found herself trampled beneath the other runners.

On the other hand, Jurgen’s death came at the hands of his loved ones, albeit unintentionally. For while checking the wires on his electrical project for the fourth time, Jurgen’s father’s hand slipped, and Jurgen, standing nearby, had to pay for it.

Tzufit’s demise came shortly afterwards, on April third. Every day, she took the same route to school; a reasonable habit, but one that made her vulnerable to the kidnappers who knew that her father was soon to be inaugurated as president. Ransom was their aim, not murder, but when she fled from them, a stray bullet brought her down.

Honest Cvetko lived on the seventh floor of his building. Idly, he would lean out the window, watching the flowers, until one day, he slipped and fell, down, down, onto the pavement below.

Do I need laptop or no


Ok so we can choose to either escape together or try to screw everyone else over and just save ourselves

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Ummm, that’s a riddle? Can anyone make heads or tails of it?

you’re all wolves lmao i’m saving myself
and also yeah, that’s an easy one, i’ve already got the first step

@Icibalus I will defend u all game if u tell me answer I swear to god

I’ve been defending you a lot Ici. You owe me.

noooope~ I owe you all nothing.

Leafia probably is bad tho lol

Think of our mtg games :sob::sob:

Just tell me via mtg code so everyone else dies