Every active game has been rerolled

Dont guess. Its obviously not it.

It obviously is the reason.

Everything was fair until you tried to get info off spectatoes

It was your fault for messaging Meme in the first place!


Just give us Ace Attorney Mafia already!

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I got nothing so it wasnt the reason obviously

Why did you do it though :sob:

For Ritual Mafia, Pug and Memesky were shitposting in Meme’s class cards and then Meme start asking questions to Pug about Vulgard’s and Icibalus’ alignments. However the thing is is that Pug didn’t tell Meme anything, but the fact that there was an attempt to angleshoot along with the fact that Pug and Boss did start posting in Meme’s class card.

Then Meme outright tells everyone that he’s found scum from angleshooting the spectators and whatnot, and to add fuel to the fire while everyone was tense at Memes’ attempt at angleshooting, I liked one of Solic’s jokes, as in a post with zero information whatsoever, in the thread and people started saying that spectator likes can be used for angleshoot over the panic that Meme caused.

In short, the game had to be rerolled as since spectators were omniscient then people kept trying to angleshoot their actions, the most egregious case here being Memesky.


no u

Additionally, I am glad that you got blacklisted. Acting as normal Memesky is fine. Pulling shit that will cause games to get canned/rerolled is just beyond the pale.


You know when I said why you like my post :stuck_out_tongue: that was a joke rite?

Your post had information and since the spectators were omniscient then it could have been used to angleshoot, which is why I pinged Psycho and asked you to stop doing it after I removed the like.


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I mean, it wasn’t as bad as what Memesky did, but you shouldn’t pay any mind to spectators.

But I like talking to the spectators when I’m bored :frowning:


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I mean your talking to ghosts. You look like a schizophrenic if you do talk to the specators during a game.

It’s still bad form to do when the spectators are omniscient.

Wait there’s a easy solution to this.

Make them not…oh wait nvm

I mean tbh solution:

Give the spectators info. Don’t give them the PMs.

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No other way around I was thinking then wait they would know the class

Tbh I just really want to talk to them