Everyone is John: A Roleplaying Adventure

Everyone is John

Welcome to Everyone is John, in this game you will take on the role of John

Well sort of, you are all voices in John’s head, each obsessed with something or another

Step 1. Your voice

When you join you will send me a private message about you, one of John’s voices.
This requires:
Your Obsession: This is your end goal, what you want to achieve, it can be as wild as you want or as easy as you want.
Your Skills: Two or Three things that you are good at, these can’t be stuff like “Everything Ever” so be sensible, John is only human.
Your Name (Optional): Just a name of your voice.

Step 2. Willpower

Each voice starts with 10 Willpower, unless you chose three skills rather than two, in which case you start with 7.
Willpower is used to take control of John, when I announce a struggle for control, each player secretly PMs me a number between 0 and their current Willpower, the highest number gains control of John but loses that number of Willpower

Step 3. John

John has 3 main rules:

  1. John is shit - Anything that would require any sort of skill or finesse is determined by the roll of a six-sided die, on a 6, John succeeds, on anything except a 6 he fails, if the voice currently in control of John has a skill that corresponds to what John is trying to do, John will succeed if the die lands on a 3 or higher
  2. John is mentally weak and unstable - Whenever John is hurt, falls asleep, fails any sort of die roll or completes an objective relating to his current obsession, a struggle for control will happen, if nothing interesting happens to John for 10 minutes in game, he gets bored, a die is rolled and on a 3 or lower a struggle for control will happen, however when this happens each voice gains 1 willpower
  3. John is a human being - He can’t do anything a human being cannot do, things like flying unaided, lifting a mountain or shooting fire are just not possible

Step 4. Obsession

Depending on your obsession, you will get points when John successfully performs an action relating to your obsession while you are in control, the harder or more complex the obsession, the more points you will get, some obsessions may even end the game immediately.

Step 5. The End

There are 3 end game scenarios:

  1. All voices have 0 willpower
  2. A game-ending obsession happens
  3. John Dies


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(did nobody really realize this?)


it says that there are 6 slots. You are the 7th one to do /join.

rip well i guess i can hope

I don’t mind sitting out so Simon can join
Should be just as fun to watch as it is to play

/backup I really wanted to join this but idk if I can now. So put me as a backup

JOhn has been is a coma for 12 days now, LET HIM WAKE UP JAMMY

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On the subject of dead games @JammySplodge please reoopen Mooonhowl already please. It has been ages. Declare it is dead or reopen it jeez.


Is this happenin’ or nah?

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