Evil cooperation guide

As Unseen/Cult you need to eliminate the BD majority as fast as possible. As NK you need to do the same. This simple fact can allow for team play between the 2 even when they are on different teams

Capitalizing on statuses

If someone is poisoned that tells the NK 3 thing’s.

1: They are not Unseen right now

2: A healer is visiting them

3: No other types of defenders are on them

There are many ways of using this as an NK

  • Reaper:
    In a Reaper game the Unseen/Cult should try to poison someone high priority such as the prince or Psychic. Given this someone being poisoned is a good kill opening for them. Since reap ignores heal the phys/Alch won’t help and given how reap works it will seem like they were never healed. The poison itself means that if they are a hunter they won’t bear and a knight won’t be on them.

  • Possessor
    In a Possessor game the Unseen should poison low priority targets when a high priority target is known. The poss can send someone to attack the high priority target and kill themselves and the Knight that would guard instead of the phys.

  • Sorcerer
    In a Sorcerer game you want to alternate. Start by poisoning a high priority target. Sorc CoD the poisoned target and kills the healers. Then Unseen poisons someone less important and sorc CoD the important person again to kill the other Supports like Knight’s and CW’s.


First thing you should do in you DN as either team is state your willingness to cooperate early on. After that you need a method to communicate. One way to as unseen if you find the NK to just whisper him. This can work best but DN’s are useful too. You want to use codes if possible. This means that you should whisper the NK a code number once and then use DN’s. You should always try and do this when you expect the whisperer is going to die soon.


This is a solid guide on a lesser used strategy. Nice work.

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Why would the Unseen/Cult work with the Reaper/Possessor? They’d just do whatever the hell they want. Messaging the Reaper/Possessor your Unseen/Cult is as harmful to you as telling a Night immune Knight your Unseen to help them get the Possessor/Reaper. Of course they’re going to CS you.

Not quite. After all if they kill you then the Unseen will just out them and they lose. At most you could possess them is you are Possessor but even that would backfire.

Plus the NK and Unseen both benefit from the cooperation early game anyway. The 3 effective KPN is a godsend for all non-BD meaning it really just comes down to asking when you want to betray your helper (You would need to do that eventually)

Early on however both sides need eachother to stand a better chance vs the BD who doesn’t need either of them.

It’s not cooperation in the way you think, its more like… avoiding the targets the evil faction chooses so you can maximise deaths, using little hints and tricks to know who the Unseen target will help you avoid being caught by them. It’s indirect cooperation.

The NK isn’t sharing notes with Unseen/Cult going “hey uh who u targeting”.

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I know that, but why would the NK go for BD? Unseen will get Majority too quickly. The only way I see this working is if NK is Sorcerer.

The NK isn’t AVOIDING the Unseen/Cult. This is not an informal partnership. The NK is going to do whatever they can to win and if that includes using the Unseen/Cult play as a resource, you bet they will do it. All this guide is teaching you is how to read the actions of the evils as a neutral killer to gain an advantage in your own game.

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It’s also for the unseen and cult to know what signs to give and when to give them.

Okay then.

Unseen poison low priority target to hope that the NK goes for the High Priority.

NK instead goes for your Convert, meaning the High Priority target is still alive and you lost an Unseen.
You shouldn’t rely on the NK doing the work for you.

Yes but that’s bad for NK too. They want the prince and Psychic dead as much or more so than you do.