Evolution Mafia - Dead Chat

Way to claim other’s doing :^)

I did 75% of the work
That’s a solid C

C minus, take it or leave

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Or just take it AND leave tbh

That’s passing :^)
but yeah I’m probably done posting jokes here

Anyway, I’m gonna just leave from here.

Next time please don’t only use mechanical arguments, cause… it’s highly impossible for anyone to defend from those.

I was given no chance due to all arguments being literally undefendable.

That and don’t be trigger happy as hell. :eyes:

Have fun

Or I just muted it for consistence sake.

We’re dangerously close to MyLo here.

Actually, it’s MyLo on the next day unless we get a save or no lynch.

Man, Hippo can also be a wolf because of Arete’s garbage read on him.

Solic is so obviously town. All of his pushers should be yeeted.

I mean solic cant wolf without being super awkward so


Also, the wolves are powerwolfing IMO and Solic isn’t acting like a contributor to that strategy.

…I’ve just realized the chicken in your avatar has very… skewed body proportions.

Took me a while, didn’t it

I swear I said to you after one game what it was like arguing with an enormous chicken

You did! I don’t remember how I responded, but you did.

It’s not a chicken. It’s a… thiccen.



Fear me

Kinda hilarious how the wolves killed a chicken night 1.

The fear spreads.