Evolution Mafia - Dead Chat

Also this day 3 is already meme worthy. I’m laughing out loud just watching it.

Thank you Sulit for putting this in the game. This is gold.

just wait, just wait.

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Don’t tell me there’s more. This is already devastating and ridiculously funny.


Kinda surprised they nightkilled me considering I defended flipped mafia.

I already told y’all this.

Oh, we didn’t.

We have no one who could attack, we were converting last night.

Idk if a JOAT killed you or not.


Explains mafia killing with dayvig in play

Wazza, I’m getting the same pings I got from you in Clash of Cults, where you were a phat liar in the dead chat.

reminder to listen to absolutely nothing wazza says here

as dead interaction may exist

okay imma be honest.

Idk why the HECK we killed you.

literally tune him out fully

discuss game and ignore anything and everything he says, has said, and will say

No seriously, I have no literal clue why and I’m semi-salty about it as you seemed easily trickable this game.

I’m pretty sure you could easily get me lynched because I voted everyone but N and actively argued against N. That’s pretty incriminating and easy to take advantage of.

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Which N insert lenny face here despite making no sense

I like watching suffering