Evolution Mafia - Dead Chat

Yes, Solic, thank you.

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Thinking Arete still has wolf equity and shouldnā€™t be sheeped.

I trust Icibalus, Squid, Solic, Emilia. Katze is >rand wolf imo. Possessed I have no idea. Arete I still think is wolf.

Null to minor town lean on everyone else. That includes Italy.

What the hell is happening.

Iā€™ll laugh if eevee and Hippo are both villagers with legitimate results and Arete is trying (and failing) to powerwolf through that.

I did have a townread on them both, so that might actually happen.

Iā€™m not going to say anything other than this is hella entertaining

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Hippo/Ici/Italy - Italy
Solic/Derps/Katze - Katze

My take if this is real.
Scum rand could just be 4 completely random evolvers and they could get two killing. Would make even more sense given the fact they didnā€™t bother with trying to save N, who was a killing. Why save KP when you have another KP (who also has towncred from Marshal for whatever reason)?

I really donā€™t think any of Hippo/Ici/Solic/Derps are wolfing.

This is one of the more entertaining games Iā€™ve played on this website, thanks for hosting it with @Geyde.

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Rome, hero shoot Arete, I beg you. Please, just do it.

Do it or 0 balls. I know you canā€™t hear me, but please.

Heā€™s almost certainly punching eevee

Being mislynched D1 really sucks, I feel sorry for you, Amelia.

I was sad, considering I was universal

When I said in the thread ā€œAmelia seems to be the go-to self-pres wagonā€ I was clearly implying that you were a villager. :upside_down_face:
Shouldā€™ve been around at EoD. My vote wouldā€™ve saved you. Iā€™d never vote you over Marshal, I think.
Eh, whatever.

My attitude toward evo points should also be explained by my flip. Even if I did get an evo point, I would have no idea who to protect. Kills this game have been kinda weird.

Annnnd there goes italy

gamer moment

Raw gamer skill
rip btw

I was personally rooting for italy

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bottom text

I actually started reconsidering my read during the night but I ended up being right in thread

What the fuck