Evolution Mafia [Signups 17/17]

Did you know I was a lost wolf when I initially claimed to you last game

Like did you actually think my claim had to be real, or was that a lie

The real problem starts not on public hospitals level.

The real problem starts in places like prisons where they have total of… 3 isolated medical rooms in biggest prison in Poland.

And theirs choice is either to put 3 people there, or if they have more… quarantine a whole prison wing.
Today they had meeting regarding procedures in there and it was problematic af.

I didn’t care. You wasn’t a priority and if you were real, you would just feed me more info.

I have corona


In a way, you saying you really believed my fake claim helped your spot to remain trusted for basically the entire game

Also fear of multiball helped mafia a lot more than hurting them as ici intended

Also, I forgot who said they were considering studying medicine in Poland.
But I asked around and managed to figure out which uni they were talking about.

Oh right.

@Universal I figured out which Uni you was talking about.

It’s one which got MASSIVE ammounts of money for creating and promoting of the university so yeah, it adds up. It was esatblished 3 years ago.
It should be one of better equipped ones in EU rn, not much to say about lecturers tho, cause… they are from all over the Poland. Weird mix.

I found one person who was making theirs diploma there. They said that people on this uni were helping them A LOT. But that’s also mostly becouse of theirs ambition to become regonized medical university.

That also explains why they are giving massive grants for people from abroad who come study there.

All adds up.

Fun fact. Hospital where they found first CoV in Poland belongs to that Uni.

Weird coincidence.
Happens I guess.

In general rn this hospital and uni are still using help of Poznań’s university (you know… till they manage to get own professors and stuff).
That’s also probably why they are trying theirs best to help everyone who wants to study there and makes theirs diploma there.

But it also means that this Uni is not far from me (I’m from Poznań, so same side of Poland) and that I do have some contacts there if needed.

Oh and it’s also close to Berlin, shall you want to visit Germany for some unthinkable reasons :eyes:

I mean it’s more or less as far as is NY from Philladelphia.

So yeah.

Also /in

I forgot about it.


Two spots left.

Also obligatory “I’m a changed Reaper, yaddaydady, don’t meta read me”.

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this playerlist is stacked

Also eevee if I needed to contact you privately would forum DMs or discord DMs be easier :eyes:

Obligatory “I will replace out if I roll scum again”, so if I don’t replace out, just townread me. Thanks

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Also I will try to evolve into sylveon, cause screw evolving into mafia roles.


Pokémon flavor would be fairly appropriate here

Italy has evolved into SPQR