Evolution Mafia [Signups 17/17]

Your serial killer evolved into an nk-immune bulletproof vig :wink:


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What? Arete is evolving!

[DOOT doot DOOT doot DOOT doot]

Arete evolved into Aroot!


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I should have expected this

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In order to get access to Areet, you must have aroot successfully defeat 3 Marshals in one battle

One down

Three to go


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Yo this sounds cool af /in

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this sounds really cool but i feel like multitabling 3 games is a bad idea

if you in i’ll in

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i’m not sure if this makes me want to accept more or less


we both know the true answer

fuck it
call me Italy, God of Multitabling

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Im back



easy blackmail

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/Spectate :frowning:

If this hasn’t started by the time I’m back I’ll in.

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Welcome back
