Experimental Turbo FM weekend | Current Game: Colourblind Cop (Canned for the weekend)

Yandere isn’t even talking at all

And to prevent scum quickhammer

round 1 of tourney is starting soon, might have to slow down my responses

What tourney?

8 minutes remain

I dont like this


Current Voters

| anime name | NAO | 1/4 |
| NAO | FK, Unknown, Mercenary | 3/4 |
| Merc | Meteoro | 1/4 |
| Meteoro | Wazza | 1/4 |

and now deflecting.

Hammer this please.

1 Like

oh right

go go wazza ninja everyone

/vote nAo

Hammer when day is at 1 min

that’s hammer

don’t talk

Honestly I think gamer is spewed Town if NAO is scum, it’s the way they said it it doesn’t look like distancing it more looks like hang them instead of me


Flippidy floppody

NAO was a guard.

Night 4.

You’re in luck, both burglars stole non-valuables.

Day 5. Begin the Export Phase.

I keep getting no infomation.

No information means nothing happened